Thursday, April 30, 2015

Flipside Book Talk with Richard Martini for the IANDS chapter of Virginia Beach

Rich Martini

This is a talk I gave at the Edgar Cayce Institute for the IANDS (international association of near death studies) Virginia Beach Chapter. Some points I glossed over in the talk, but feel obliged to correct; when Charles Grodin asked me to come and work on his talk show it was to produce comic "man on the street" bits - so aside from an occassional appearance, it was only my thumb holding the mic seen on the show. And as to the reference "inside Angie's trailer" - that's a metaphor for a luxury gig on a very expensive movie - while I did get the opportunity to take notes from the star of our film, I think it was only once that I actually saw the inside of valhalla. So apologies if it seems like I'm overstating my presence on the planet.

This talk is based on my book "Flipside: a tourist's guide on how to navigate the afterlife" - and my documentary "Flipside: a journey into the afterlife" both available at amazon and all the major outlets online. It was as a result of this talk that "Coast to Coast" invited me to speak on their show for three hours on 9-11.

If you have any questions - I highly recommend reading Michael Newton's books "Journey of Souls" etc, before reading my book, if you're so inclined - as it references his. You can find out more information at flipsidethebook com or flipsidethefilm com where there are other clips and comments. Thanks for tuning in.