...Scientists at the University of Southampton have spent four years examining more than 2,000 people who suffered cardiac arrests at 15 hospitals in the UK, US and Austria.
And they found that nearly 40 per cent of people who survived described some kind of ‘awareness’ during the time when they were clinically dead before their hearts were restarted.Despite being unconscious and ‘dead’ for three minutes, the 57-year-old social worker from Southampton, recounted the actions of the nursing staff in detail and described the sound of the machines.
One man even recalled leaving his body entirely and watching his resuscitation from the corner of the room.
“We know the brain can’t function when the heart has stopped beating,” said Dr Sam Parnia, a former research fellow at Southampton University, now at the State University of New York, who led the study.
“But in this case, conscious awareness appears to have continued for up to three minutes into the period when the heart wasn’t beating, even though the brain typically shuts down within 20-30 seconds after the heart has stopped.
“The man described everything that had happened in the room, but importantly, he heard two bleeps from a machine that makes a noise at three minute intervals. So we could time how long the experienced lasted for.
“He seemed very credible and everything that he said had happened to him had actually happened.”
Of 2060 cardiac arrest patients studied, 330 survived and of 140 surveyed, 39 per cent said they had experienced some kind of awareness while being resuscitated...http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11144442/First-hint-of-life-after-death-in-biggest-ever-scientific-study.html
rugged toast • 8 months ago
I would love to believe this but I suspect it's residual brain activity. Clearly if someone experiences these things while they are 'dead' and they can then recall them on resuscitation there actually is brain activity or they wouldn't have any recall at all.Below are the details of just one NDE case, which blows the majority of this comment out of the water. And how about SDEs?
Hearing whats going on in the room and some memory confabulation afterwards would more than take care of the 'I saw things I couldnt see' phenomena. I suspect few of these cases can tell you anything about anyone who was in the room who they hadnt seen before or met after. Because they likely didnt see them, just heard them then their brains invented a scenario around it.
Why would people have these experiences when they are dead but not when asleep or unconscious or under anaesthetic, or in a coma?
People in the other comments are going on about Indian past life recall. India is a culture which is immensely culturally invested in reincarnation. Past life recall is encouraged and enabled and real evidence it has occurred is extremely thin on the ground.
When was the last time an American claimed to be able to recall past lives, or an Indian claimed to be a UFO abductee?
Shared death experiences (SDEs), are common death-bed visions and near-death experiences that family, friends and caregivers witness along with a person who is dying, as they pass, ‘temporarily’ or ‘permanently’ from this life to the next. Some commonly reported shared death experiences typically include one or more of the following:
Room shape changes
Bystander(s) views mist rising from dying person’s body
Dying person telepathically communicates with bystander(s)
Bystander(s) leaves their body
Bystander(s) engulfed by intensely bright light that feels like absolute love.
Life review about dying person, the bystander(s) or both.
Bystander(s) accompanies the dying person through a tunnel to ‘heaven’.
Bystander(s) view or are otherwise aware of deceased relatives and friends in the room of dying person.
Does residual brain activity explain that?! Of course not. You know what does? You guessed it... life after death.
The last time an American was able to recall a past life? This past March. And it's hardly relevant to this issue, but alien abduction stories are worldwide and come out of India too.
People Have Near-Death Experiences While Brain Dead
Michael Sabom is a cardiologist
whose book entitled
Light and Death
includes a detailed medical and scientific analysis of an amazing
near-death experience of a woman named Pam Reynolds.
She underwent a rare operation to remove a giant
basilar artery aneurysm
in her brain that threatened her life. The size and location
of the aneurysm, however, precluded its safe removal using the
standard neuro-surgical techniques. She was referred to a
doctor who had pioneered a daring
surgical procedure known
hypothermic cardiac arrest.
It allowed Pam's aneurysm to be excised with a reasonable
chance of success. This operation, nicknamed "standstill"
by the doctors who perform it, required that Pam's body
temperature be lowered to 60 degrees, her heartbeat and breathing
stopped, her brain waves flattened, and the blood drained from
her head. In everyday terms, she was put to death. After removing
the aneurysm, she was restored to life. During the time that
Pam was in standstill, she experienced an NDE. Her remarkably
detailed veridical out-of-body observations during her surgery
were later verified to be true. Her case is considered
to be one of the strongest cases of veridical (i.e.,
verified) evidence in NDE
research because of her ability to describe the unique surgical
instruments, the surgical procedures used on her, and her ability to describe
in detail these events while she was clinically brain dead.
Table of Contents |
1. | Introduction to Pam Reynolds' NDE |
2. | Pam Reynold's Near-Death Experience |
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1. Introduction to Pam Reynold's NDE |
When all
of Pam's vital signs were stopped, the doctor turned on
a surgical saw and began to cut through Pam's skull. While
this was going on, Pam reported that she felt herself "pop"
outside her body and hover above the operating table. Then she
watched the doctors working on her lifeless body for awhile.
From her out-of-body position, she observed the doctor sawing
into her skull with what looked to her like an electric toothbrush.
Pam heard and reported later what the nurses in the operating
room had said and exactly what was happening during the operation.
At this time, every monitor attached to Pam's body registered "no
life" whatsoever. At some point, Pam's consciousness
floated out of the operating room and traveled down a tunnel
which had a light at the end of it where her deceased relatives
and friends were waiting including her long-dead grandmother.
Pam's NDE ended when her deceased uncle led her back to
her body for her to reentered it. Pam compared the feeling of
reentering her dead body to "plunging into a pool of ice."
The following is Pam Reynolds' account of her NDE in her
own words.
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2. Pam Reynold's Near-Death Experience |

I thought the way
they had my head shaved was very peculiar. I expected them
to take all of the hair, but they did not...
saw-thing that I hated the sound of looked like an electric
toothbrush and it had a dent in it, a groove at the top where
the saw appeared to go into the handle, but it didn't ...
And the saw had interchangeable blades, too, but these blades
were in what looked like a socket wrench case ... I heard the
saw crank up. I didn't see them use it on my head,
but I think I heard it being used on something. It was humming
at a relatively high pitch and then all of a sudden it went
Brrrrrrrrr! like that.

There was a sensation like being pulled,
but not against your will. I was going on my own accord because
I wanted to go. I have different metaphors to try to explain
this. It was like the Wizard of Oz - being taken up in a tornado
vortex, only you're not spinning around like you've
got vertigo. You're very focused and you have a place to
go. The feeling was like going up in an elevator real fast.
And there was a sensation, but it wasn't a bodily, physical
sensation. It was like a tunnel but it wasn't a tunnel.
At some point very early in the tunnel vortex
I became aware of my grandmother calling me. But I didn't
hear her call me with my ears ... It was a clearer hearing than
with my ears. I trust that sense more than I trust my own ears.
The feeling was that she wanted me to come
to her, so I continued with no fear down the shaft. It's
a dark shaft that I went through, and at the very end there
was this very little tiny pinpoint of light that kept getting
bigger and bigger and bigger.
The light was incredibly bright, like sitting
in the middle of a light bulb. It was so bright that I put my
hands in front of my face fully expecting to see them and I
could not. But I knew they were there. Not from a sense of touch.
Again, it's terribly hard to explain, but I knew they were
there ...
I noticed that as I began to discern different
figures in the light - and they were all covered with light,
they were light, and had light permeating all around
them - they began to form shapes I could recognize and understand.
I could see that one of them was my grandmother. I don't
know if it was reality or a projection, but I would know my
grandmother, the sound of her, anytime, anywhere.
Everyone I saw, looking back on it, fit perfectly
into my understanding of what that person looked like at their
best during their lives.
I recognized a lot of people. My uncle Gene
was there. So was my great-great-Aunt Maggie, who was really
a cousin. On Papa's side of the family, my grandfather was
there ... They were specifically taking care of me, looking
after me.
They would not permit me to go further ...
It was communicated to me - that's the best way I know how
to say it, because they didn't speak like I'm speaking
- that if I went all the way into the light something would
happen to me physically. They would be unable to put this me
back into the body me, like I had gone too far and they couldn't
reconnect. So they wouldn't let me go anywhere or
do anything.
I wanted to go into the light, but I also
wanted to come back. I had children to be reared. It was like
watching a movie on fast-forward on your VCR: You get the general
idea, but the individual freeze-frames are not slow enough to
get detail.
Then they [deceased relatives] were feeding
me. They were not doing this through my mouth, like with food,
but they were nourishing me with something. The only way I know
how to put it is something sparkly. Sparkles is the image that
I get. I definitely recall the sensation of being nurtured and
being fed and being made strong. I know it sounds funny, because
obviously it wasn't a physical thing, but inside the experience
I felt physically strong, ready for whatever.

But then I got to the end of it and saw the
thing, my body. I didn't want to get into it ... It looked
terrible, like a train wreck. It looked like what it was: dead.
I believe it was covered. It scared me and I didn't want
to look at it.
It was communicated to me that it was like
jumping into a swimming pool. No problem, just jump right into
the swimming pool. I didn't want to, but I guess I was late
or something because he [the uncle] pushed me. I felt a definite
repelling and at the same time a pulling from the body. The
body was pulling and the tunnel was pushing ... It was like
diving into a pool of ice water ... It hurt!
When I came back, they were playing Hotel
California and the line was "You can check out anytime
you like, but you can never leave." I mentioned [later]
to Dr. Brown that that was incredibly insensitive and he told
me that I needed to sleep more. [laughter] When I regained consciousness,
I was still on the respirator.
For practical purposes outside the world
of academic debate, three clinical tests commonly determine
brain death. First, a standard electroencephalogram, or EEG,
measures brain-wave activity. A "flat" EEG denotes
non-function of the cerebral cortex - the outer shell of the
cerebrum. Second, auditory evoked potentials, similar to those
[clicks] elicited by the ear speakers in Pam's surgery,
measure brain-stem viability. Absence of these potentials indicates
non-function of the brain stem. And third, documentation of
no blood flow to the brain is a marker for a generalized absence
of brain function.
But during "standstill", Pam's
brain was found "dead" by all three clinical tests
- her electroencephalogram was silent, her brain-stem response
was absent, and no blood flowed through her brain. Interestingly,
while in this state, she encountered the "deepest"
NDE of all Atlanta Study participants.
Some scientists theorize that NDEs are produced
by brain chemistry. But,
Dr. Peter
Fenwick, a neuropsychiatrist and the leading authority in
Britain concerning NDEs, believes that these theories fall far
short of the facts. In the documentary, "Into
the Unknown: Strange But True," Dr. Fenwick describes
the state of the brain during an NDE:
"The brain isn't functioning.
It's not there. It's destroyed. It's
abnormal. But, yet, it can produce these very clear
experiences ... an unconscious state is when the
brain ceases to function. For example, if you faint,
you fall to the floor, you don't know what's
happening and the brain isn't working. The memory
systems are particularly sensitive to unconsciousness.
So, you won't remember anything. But, yet, after
one of these experiences [an NDE], you come out with
clear, lucid memories ... This is a real puzzle
for science. I have not yet seen any good scientific
explanation which can explain that fact."
"The modern tradition
of equating death with an ensuing nothingness
can be abandoned. For there is no reason to
believe that human death severs the quality
of the oneness in the universe." - Larry
Dossey, MD
Near-Death Experiences of Atheists
Scientific Evidence Supporting Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife
Near-Death Experiences: Evidence Of Life After Death Video Playlist