Starting at 7:35 in the first video below, the idea that EVPs are from radio and TV signals is debunked. In the full length documentary the clip comes from, the events described below are documented. I am skeptical of the other unrelated material presented in the film.
Marcelo Bacci
In Italy we explore the work of internationally famous medium, Marcelo Bacci. For years, thousands of grieving parents from around the world have visited his centre. Many say they can hear the voices of their deceased children speak through his radio. Our cameras were able to capture this extraordinary process as it happened. Mothers weep with joy as they recognize the voices of their departed children.
Scientific investigations into Bacci include voice print analysis using FBI software. Recordings of people’s voices before they died have been compared to those emerging from Bacci’s radio have produced a 97% match. This is the first time Bacci’s work has appeared in a UK/US production.
Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP)
Recently popularized in the Hollywood blockbuster - White Noise - practitioners of the Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) claim to be able to pick up the voices of the dead using simple tape recorders. In the US we visit a mother who claims to have ongoing communication with her deceased son via EVP. Since his death twenty years ago, she has produced hundreds of clear EVP samples. She is convinced they originate from her son because she is able to recognize his voice and the audio contains specific phrases that only he used.
Critics say EVP is just the pick up of stray broadcast signals. But we follow a former NASA scientist, and the world’s leading EVP researcher, into a laboratory that is totally shielded from all sound and electromagnetic signals. Despite it being a scientific impossibility he is able to produce an EVP sample in front of our cameras.
In this program many great EVPs are played and the credibility of those capturing these disembodied voices is addressed.
Phantom Voices