During the Winter Solstice, it is often wise to burn a Yule log to cleanse the house of creatures, whom may be lurking in the darkest corners. If you think you are being haunted by them,... https://t.co/sjeFTFzDnK
— Clyde Lewis (@ClydeLewis) December 22, 2018
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Editor's Note: While driving out my neighborhood one night my wife was witness to 3 children standing side by side, wearing hoods and with their heads facing down at the ground. I immediately turned the car around to try and see what she saw, but to no avail. There was nobody there and there wasn't enough time or hiding spaces around for 3 physical kids to have pulled a prank. Was this the black eyed children? It creeps her out to this day and she hates hearing about the subject.
This is something that she has experienced several times throughout her life. When she was young she remembers playing with a girl who lived in a crawlspace in her house. Of course there was no such girl. Another time, while backing the car up, she saw in her review mirror a very young boy on a tricycle wearing a Halloween mask. When she turned her head around turned to see where he was, he was nowhere.
As far as the Halloween mask, it was in the month of October that this took place, but it was around 7 in the morning. An odd time for a child to be playing in the cold by himself. Again, there was not enough time for and there were no hiding places near enough for a physical child to pull off this disappearing act.
This is something that she has experienced several times throughout her life. When she was young she remembers playing with a girl who lived in a crawlspace in her house. Of course there was no such girl. Another time, while backing the car up, she saw in her review mirror a very young boy on a tricycle wearing a Halloween mask. When she turned her head around turned to see where he was, he was nowhere.
As far as the Halloween mask, it was in the month of October that this took place, but it was around 7 in the morning. An odd time for a child to be playing in the cold by himself. Again, there was not enough time for and there were no hiding places near enough for a physical child to pull off this disappearing act.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Krampus The Christmas Demon: https://t.co/FQilts0LbO https://t.co/Q7ldkIMzbp
— JM Talboo (@JM_Talboo) December 13, 2018
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Zecharia Sitchin...authentic researcher or disinformation agent for the reptilians?
Zecharia Sitchin...authentic researcher or disinformation agent?
0 2 16 0 463
Posted 2018-10-26 19:39:07
Back in the 70's and 80's I was introduced to the Zecharia Sitchin books and the concept of the '12th Planet?/10th Planet?/Planet X?/Nibiru', whatever, and the fear posited by his translations of the Sumerian Texts. For a few years I accepted that information, but became more and more skeptical over time. Since then, I have read from David Wilcock about how he learned of the disinformation of Sitchin from a student aid of Sitchen's. Then early this morning (10/26/18) at the last segment of Coast to Coast AM, George Noory had Linda Moulton Howe on as a guest. She covered a lot of recent material and one of the things he had promoted was information about Planet 9 It was not until the last few minutes of the Coast2CoastAM broadcast at about 4:55 a.m. Eastern Time, that George had to rush Linda to talk about Niburu and Sitchin. She did her best to condense what should have been given much more time to tell her story of the lack of credibility of Zecharia Sitchin. Linda Moulton Howe told of a time when she arranged to interview Sitchen when she was in New York City, and found that Sitchen had an office in New York City. She had an address and time to meet with him, went to the address and found it to be Rockefeller Center. Then she was guided to take the elevator to a certain floor and door number. When she got to the floor, it was a very opulent and fancy floor with offices that she said must be around the $35,000 monthly rent scale. She entered the office, and there was a secretary in a glassed off entrance with a small talking hole. After introducing herself, she went into Sitchin's office and it was beautiful with a view of New York City to die for. She began to wonder how he could afford such an office, so as she began to interview Sitchin, her first questions were about the office and if he had ever worked for the government. He just stared back at her for the longest time, not speaking, and then making some remark about that question should not be asked, or something like that. It was then that time ran out for the C2C show, and no follow up....
That issue should have been given more time. I hope she gets a chance to tell us more. Apparently Sitchin was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, but for what agenda?
Zecharia Sitchin - Freemason & Fraud!
Zecharia Sitchen the Freemason Whore! Nibiru Hoax!
Zecharia Sitchin and Jordan Maxwell Masonic Handshake?
Zecharia Sitchin - The Freemason
Zecharia Sitchin (FREEMASON WHORE and CIA operative) Sumerian Tablets=BAALshit
Absolute Very Best Evidence (NOT 100% Proof) for the Existence of Shapeshifting Reptilian Aliens
sitchin was seen at blood rituals with the british royals with the witness been arizona wilder. she saw him as part of the reptilian race who covered any truth about the reptilians in the sumerian tablets. he only talked about the anunnaki but witheld info about the reptilians because he was a mason and they work for the illuminati blue bloods who are reptilians. look up arizona wilder and see the proof of these sick royals and who they really are. blue blood isnt human, get it>
Sitchin's writings have been universally rejected by mainstream historians, who have labelled his books as pseudohistory,[77]pointing out that Sitchin seemingly deliberately misrepresents Sumerian texts by quoting them out of context, truncating quotations, and mistranslating Sumerian words to give them radically different meanings from their accepted definitions.[78]Nonetheless, because Sitchin worked in the shadow of Erich von Däniken's more widely publicized Chariots of the Gods?, he managed to escape the notice of debunkers,[72][74] allowing his theories to become more influential.[74] Although Sitchin himself described the Anunnaki as humanoids,[73] in a book published in 1994, the conspiracy theorist Arthur Horn proposed that they were actually reptilians.[79] British conspiracy theorist David Icke further expanded on this thesis by claiming that the surviving alien bloodlines mentioned by Sitchin were the "Brotherhood of Babylon",[74] a race of shape-shifting, reptilian aliens who secretly control all the governments of the world and keep humans enslaved,[74] using the Illuminati as one of their figurative chess pieces.[74]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anunnaki
One possible way of looking at the following information, is that making oneself a prominent researcher
into this topic without being controlled leads to being strongly dissuaded or worse.
Zecharia Sitchin Colleague Erik Poltorak (03-16-06) Sumerian Cuneiform: Best Evidence of Alien Presence Among Men
nicholas cremato
I find it strange that Eric Poltorak was murdered right after he was on the art bell show.
Annunaki Genesis +nicholas cremato - some religious nut no doubt did it, its terrible news, the world needs guys like him
nicholas cremato @Annunaki Genesis
You are not going to believe what the police told us. It's hard to believe and I wonder if it's the truth but here goes. Eric had a nice home in LA and to help pay for the mortgage (remember he was very good with money) he sometimes rented his house out for movie shoots. He was never home when this happened he was at work so it sounded like a perfect deal. Most of these were low budget B movies from Horror to Sci Fi or sit com pilots. In the middle of the night a jealous boyfriend of an actress who filmed there thought Eric was having an affair with his girlfriend so he rang the bell at around 2 am and shot him 5 times. He died at the hospital and the police only will release info to the immediate family I don't know whether or not.
I will tell you I received a letter years ago explaining to me that if I wrote a book based on the work of Sitchin there would be consequences. I used to work for the government so I am worried about my pension. I did 2 presentations releasing information on the pyramids and some people feel that I was poisoned right after. I am now mangled and housebound.
Annunaki Genesis
OK well here goes i did my first presentation on the Annunaki in late 2013 my PA said i would probably have trouble with the authorities after this, little did i know that she would be part of the conspiracy against me, i was arrested from my home 4 months later for minor fabricated offences, i was kept in police custody for 3 days, then sent to prison without trial, after 4 months i was released but ostracised from my friends and family and sent to live 300 miles away, in this time i also needed urgent medical attention and didnt get any as a result of all this im now crippled for life and under constant police harassment.
nicholas cremato @Annunaki Genesis
I discovered the truth about what the great pyramid does and have had trouble ever since. People know all about this in Europe but we are kept stupid in the US. Hang in there.
Annunaki Genesis @nicholas cremato will do i wont give up
nicholas cremato @Annunaki Genesis
Me neither!!!
Annunaki Genesis
send me an email via my contact form on my website i would like to talk more with you in confidence www.annunakigenesis.com
In the following video learn how to defeat the reptilians. The video creator details how shape-shifting reptilians are not physical beings pretending to be humans. Rather, reptilians use humans as hosts. Some might call this demonic possession. Contrary to what the video states, David Icke essentially agrees at this point. It would seem that different terminology is often used to describe the same things with this subject. Another point of agreement is that they influence people through and feed off of fear.0 2 16 0 463
Posted 2018-10-26 19:39:07
Back in the 70's and 80's I was introduced to the Zecharia Sitchin books and the concept of the '12th Planet?/10th Planet?/Planet X?/Nibiru', whatever, and the fear posited by his translations of the Sumerian Texts. For a few years I accepted that information, but became more and more skeptical over time. Since then, I have read from David Wilcock about how he learned of the disinformation of Sitchin from a student aid of Sitchen's. Then early this morning (10/26/18) at the last segment of Coast to Coast AM, George Noory had Linda Moulton Howe on as a guest. She covered a lot of recent material and one of the things he had promoted was information about Planet 9 It was not until the last few minutes of the Coast2CoastAM broadcast at about 4:55 a.m. Eastern Time, that George had to rush Linda to talk about Niburu and Sitchin. She did her best to condense what should have been given much more time to tell her story of the lack of credibility of Zecharia Sitchin. Linda Moulton Howe told of a time when she arranged to interview Sitchen when she was in New York City, and found that Sitchen had an office in New York City. She had an address and time to meet with him, went to the address and found it to be Rockefeller Center. Then she was guided to take the elevator to a certain floor and door number. When she got to the floor, it was a very opulent and fancy floor with offices that she said must be around the $35,000 monthly rent scale. She entered the office, and there was a secretary in a glassed off entrance with a small talking hole. After introducing herself, she went into Sitchin's office and it was beautiful with a view of New York City to die for. She began to wonder how he could afford such an office, so as she began to interview Sitchin, her first questions were about the office and if he had ever worked for the government. He just stared back at her for the longest time, not speaking, and then making some remark about that question should not be asked, or something like that. It was then that time ran out for the C2C show, and no follow up....
That issue should have been given more time. I hope she gets a chance to tell us more. Apparently Sitchin was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, but for what agenda?
Zecharia Sitchin - Freemason & Fraud!
Zecharia Sitchen the Freemason Whore! Nibiru Hoax!
Zecharia Sitchin and Jordan Maxwell Masonic Handshake?
Zecharia Sitchin - The Freemason
Zecharia Sitchin (FREEMASON WHORE and CIA operative) Sumerian Tablets=BAALshit
Absolute Very Best Evidence (NOT 100% Proof) for the Existence of Shapeshifting Reptilian Aliens
carlos guitarman
Sitchin's writings have been universally rejected by mainstream historians, who have labelled his books as pseudohistory,[77]pointing out that Sitchin seemingly deliberately misrepresents Sumerian texts by quoting them out of context, truncating quotations, and mistranslating Sumerian words to give them radically different meanings from their accepted definitions.[78]Nonetheless, because Sitchin worked in the shadow of Erich von Däniken's more widely publicized Chariots of the Gods?, he managed to escape the notice of debunkers,[72][74] allowing his theories to become more influential.[74] Although Sitchin himself described the Anunnaki as humanoids,[73] in a book published in 1994, the conspiracy theorist Arthur Horn proposed that they were actually reptilians.[79] British conspiracy theorist David Icke further expanded on this thesis by claiming that the surviving alien bloodlines mentioned by Sitchin were the "Brotherhood of Babylon",[74] a race of shape-shifting, reptilian aliens who secretly control all the governments of the world and keep humans enslaved,[74] using the Illuminati as one of their figurative chess pieces.[74]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anunnaki
One possible way of looking at the following information, is that making oneself a prominent researcher
into this topic without being controlled leads to being strongly dissuaded or worse.
Zecharia Sitchin Colleague Erik Poltorak (03-16-06) Sumerian Cuneiform: Best Evidence of Alien Presence Among Men
nicholas cremato
I find it strange that Eric Poltorak was murdered right after he was on the art bell show.
Annunaki Genesis +nicholas cremato - some religious nut no doubt did it, its terrible news, the world needs guys like him
nicholas cremato @Annunaki Genesis
You are not going to believe what the police told us. It's hard to believe and I wonder if it's the truth but here goes. Eric had a nice home in LA and to help pay for the mortgage (remember he was very good with money) he sometimes rented his house out for movie shoots. He was never home when this happened he was at work so it sounded like a perfect deal. Most of these were low budget B movies from Horror to Sci Fi or sit com pilots. In the middle of the night a jealous boyfriend of an actress who filmed there thought Eric was having an affair with his girlfriend so he rang the bell at around 2 am and shot him 5 times. He died at the hospital and the police only will release info to the immediate family I don't know whether or not.
I will tell you I received a letter years ago explaining to me that if I wrote a book based on the work of Sitchin there would be consequences. I used to work for the government so I am worried about my pension. I did 2 presentations releasing information on the pyramids and some people feel that I was poisoned right after. I am now mangled and housebound.
Annunaki Genesis
OK well here goes i did my first presentation on the Annunaki in late 2013 my PA said i would probably have trouble with the authorities after this, little did i know that she would be part of the conspiracy against me, i was arrested from my home 4 months later for minor fabricated offences, i was kept in police custody for 3 days, then sent to prison without trial, after 4 months i was released but ostracised from my friends and family and sent to live 300 miles away, in this time i also needed urgent medical attention and didnt get any as a result of all this im now crippled for life and under constant police harassment.
nicholas cremato @Annunaki Genesis
I discovered the truth about what the great pyramid does and have had trouble ever since. People know all about this in Europe but we are kept stupid in the US. Hang in there.
Annunaki Genesis @nicholas cremato will do i wont give up
nicholas cremato @Annunaki Genesis
Me neither!!!
Annunaki Genesis
send me an email via my contact form on my website i would like to talk more with you in confidence www.annunakigenesis.com
Nibiru’s researchers murdered by the secret services

We know very well that governments don’t give a damn about murdering civilians, 9/11, “terrorist attack” across Europe, and the most recent events in Vegas clearly show this, more than 1 shooter with a lot of conflicting so-called evidence, however, the CIA and the Mossad are losing grip with their idiotic false flags which nobody believe anymore.

How about the disappearances of Nibiru researchers? Many highly respected astronomers have claimed another massive planet is lurking on the outer reaches of the solar system.
NASA has even announced evidence of its existence twice – only for it to withdraw the notice.
Most recently, a team for the Californian Institute of Technology said the existence of what they call “Plant X” or the “12th Planet” will be proved by the end of this year.

But a leading voice in a growing movement of believers claims researchers who find evidence of the planet are bumped off in a cover up.
David Meade believes a giant planet called Planet X is hurtling through space towards Earth.
He originally thought it would appear on 23rd September 2017 – but has now revised his estimate based on apocalyptic passages in the Bible to say it will become visible before Christmas.
NASA has denied Nibiru exists – but members of the so-called Nibiru Cataclysm movement say this is a cover-up to prevent panic and reserve space in underground bunkers for the world elite.

Mr Meade, author of Planet X – The 2017 Arrival, says scientists who break the code of silence are “disappeared”.
I personally do not agree with Meade for a few reasons:
- The bible was written by men, probably high on opium, and was re-written countless times in order to control the masses via fear and order, also omitting to include detailed paragraphs from the Book of Enoch! You cannot base yourself on fables..
- Nibiru clearly does exist, but why the hell would it collide with Earth when Nibiru itself is inhabited by the Anunakis?? I’m pretty sure our alien gods are not on a suicide mission!
- We cannot predict exactly when it will arrive within our orbit, so these doomsdays dates are as efficient as a chocolate tea-pot
- Meade was wrong on his first prediction, maybe it’s time to stop predicting and wait patiently for its arrival?
Nonetheless, I do agree with him when he presents facts which are not based on fairy tales like the bible: he suggests Dr Robert Harrington, supervising astronomer US Naval Observatory – who claimed to have found proof of Planet X – and Australian astrophysicist Rodney Marks – who was working at a South Pole telescope – both died in mysterious circumstances.
The South Pole Telescope, an amazing piece of kit:

Dr Harrington believed Planet X was an “intruder planet” that passed through our solar system – and said it was capable of supporting alien life.
The Christian researcher and amateur stargazer said: “Have there been strange instances? Yes.
“Dr Harrington was mysteriously done away with in the 1990s before he could say anything and he was head of the naval observatory.“Then you have the mysterious death in 2000 of an individual at the South Pole telescope, who supposedly died of alcohol poisoning.”
The CIA have murdered him with their usual pin-prick injections, or even “The Heart Attack Gun”, no trace in toxicity tests during post-mortem examinations, secret services are pretty good at what they do, almost…

As head of the US Naval Observatory, Dr Harrington was one of the leading astronomers in the US.
Along with James Christy, he discovered Pluto’s moon Charon.
Dr Harrington became a high-profile Planet X believer, and started scouring the skies for evidence.
He said the movement of the planets Uranus and Neptune and their moons pointed to another large planet beyond Pluto.
Dr Harrington was interviewed by Zecharia Sitchin, the first person to suggest the existence of Nibiru, in 1990.
Sitchin had translated tablets written by an ancient Middle Eastern culture called the Sumerians.
He said they told of a giant planet called Nibiru that orbited the Sun every 3,600 years.
The planet – which was populated by an alien race called the Anunnaki – passed through the Solar System wreaking havoc.

Dr Harrington said Pluto had once been a moon of Neptune but had been knocked out of orbit by Planet X – which he called an “intruder planet” – as it passed through the solar system in an elliptical orbit around the Sun.
Speaking to Sitchin, he said:
“If it is in the kind of orbit we describe here, it would have to be a planet that would have a mass something like three to five times the mass of Earth.“This would put it intermediate between gaseous planets like Uranus and Neptune and the terrestrial planets we have in the inner part of the solar system.

“So if this planet turns out to be in a 3,600-year orbit, then its mass would be correspondingly larger.“But we are talking about something that is a perfectly reasonable kind of planet that looks like a good nice planet.“Small enough that it’s not going to be completely enveloped in gas.

“It’s perfectly capable of supporting lifeforms of one kind or another.”
Some claim he was about to publish new observations he had made in New Zealand when he died.
Blogger Marshall Masters writes:
“Harrington sent back reports of this ominous discovery, but died of what was reported to be oesophageal cancer before he could pack up his telescope and come home to hold what would have been a highly publicised press conference.”
Nibiru truthers claim the southern hemisphere, particularly around the South Pole, is the best place to see Nibiru, whose orbit around the Sun is said to be on a tilt to Earth’s.
Rodney Marks died at the South Pole while working on the Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station.
The otherwise healthy 32-year-old collapsed while walking between the observatory and the base, became unwell over the next 36 hours and then died.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) – which runs the station – announced he had “died of natural causes” but his body wasn’t released for a post-mortem in New Zealand for six months.
The autopsy found he died of ethanol poisoning, but it was unclear how he drank it.

UIP Summary:
Suicide was ruled out as he visited the station’s doctor several times after feeling unwell and was confused by his condition.
He had a ready access to normal alcohol and had no personal problems, and the coroner said he couldn’t have drunk it accidentally.
New Zealand police said NSF was uncooperative, refused to give details of an internal report or say who was at the station at the time.
The station doctor, Robert Thompson, also disappeared in 2006.
Welcome to Planet Earth, where you can be murdered in cold blood for sharing the truth to your fellow earthlings, although it is a massive universe, we live on a very small prison piece of rock, where you can be silenced forever for speaking the truth. So we see Nibiru as a liberator, not a destroyer.
Yaz, Mwv

REPTILIAN CONSPIRACY - How Reptilians control the Human Race - Masters of Outer Darkness
Zecharia Sitchin...authentic researcher or disinformation agent for the reptilians?
Is there a connection between harlequin babies and reptilian DNA? Is there a connection between Harley Quinn and demonic forces?
There is a video too graphic to be show on ATS of a newborn harlequin baby. Google video search harlequin ichthyosis if you really want to see it. Fair warning though the video is very disturbing, so make sure the kids aren't in the room. Also an image search reveals quite a few examples.
Harlequin ichthyosis is a genetic disorder. First medically documented in the 1700's. It causes the skin to become much like scales. The nose can be deformed to the point of no nose at all, just holes where they should be, and the same with the ears. All in all a child unfortunate enough to born with this horrible affliction does sport 'reptile like' features. If a humanoid reptilian species has interbred with the human species like some people claim, then perhaps something in the mix goes wrong from time to time. Can you imagine what happened to these babies in the Middle Ages? They were probably instantly burned as demons and the mothers were probably accused of 'sexual affairs with Satan'.
All that aside, I think it is within the realm of possibility. Many differing cultures have mythologies alluding to the idea some other species interbred with humanity, including the Christian Bible in Gen. 6:4 (it speaks of the Nephilim who came unto the daughters of men and had children who became men of renown and heros of old) Now whether or not these 'nephilim' were reptiles or not is entirely speculative. But it seem that a long time ago something interbred with humanity. [edit on 16-9-2007 by Viszet Oki]
World's most tragic tale? Baby born with rare disease REJECTED by her mother as CURSED A BABY girl born prematurely in an Indian city has sent shockwaves among people because of her features. 'Alien baby' is shunned by mother in India
Some of these babies do not look at all to be suffering from the same condition as the ones that look reptilian. I find it interesting that when one looks at the origin of the Harlequin classic character name, the theme of devils and demons pops up again and again. The character Harley Quinn from the Suicide Squad comics and film was named based on the classic Harlequin character and sometimes wears a shirt that says "Daddy's Lil Monster" or "Daddy's Lil Devil."

The classical appearance of the Harlequin stock character in the commedia dell'arte of the 1670s, complete with batte or "slapstick", a magic wand used by the character to change the scenery of the play (Maurice Sand, 1860) Harlequin (/ˈhɑːrləkwɪn/; Italian: Arlecchino [arlekˈkiːno], French: Arlequin [aʁləkɛ̃], Old French Harlequin) is the best-known of the zanni or comic servant characters from the Italian Commedia dell'arte...
Although the origins of the Harlequin are obscure there are several theories for how the character came to be. One theory posits that the name is derived from a bird with polychromatic feathers called a Harle[4] Another theory suggest that the name Harlequin is taken from that of a mischievous "devil" or "demon" character in popular French passion plays. It originates with an Old French term herlequin, hellequin, first attested in the 11th century, by the chronicler Orderic Vitalis, who recounts a story of a monk who was pursued by a troop of demons when wandering on the coast of Normandy (France ) at night.[4][5]These demons were led by a masked, club-wielding giant and they were known as familia herlequin (var. familia herlethingi). This medieval French version of the Germanic Wild Hunt, Mesnée d'Hellequin, has been connected to the English figure of Herla cyning ("host-king"; German Erlkönig).[6] Hellequin was depicted as a black-faced emissary of the devil, roaming the countryside with a group of demons chasing the damned souls of evil people to Hell. The physical appearance of Hellequin offers an explanation for the traditional colours of Harlequin's red-and-black mask.[7][8] The name's origin could also be traced to a knight from the 9th century, Hellequin of Boulogne, who died fighting the Normans and originated a legend of devils.[9]Cantos XXI and XXII from Dante's Inferno there is a devil by the name of Alichino.[4][10] The similarities between the devil in Dante's Inferno and the Arlecchino are more than cosmetic and that the prank like antics of the devils in the aforementioned antics reflect some carnivalesque aspects.[10]
Absolute Very Best Evidence (NOT 100% Proof) for the Existence of Shapeshifting Reptilian Aliens:
Is there a connection between harlequin babies and reptilian DNA? Is there a connection between Harley Quinn and demonic forces?
Monday, November 12, 2018
Nutrition Is Your Spiritual Shield Against Evil
There is a spiritual element to our physical nutrition, while the enemies of humanity use the population’s lack of good nutrition to conquer them. Mike Adams reveals how to fight back by eating right and healthy living.
Nutrition Is Your Spiritual Shield Against Evil
Nutrition Is Your Spiritual Shield Against Evil
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
HALLOWEEN (2018 Fan Film)
Somebody else commented that the killing of the girl in front of the guy was unlike Michael Myers. Maybe so, could be why I thought it was a great scene, something new and exciting, or maybe it was just well done. Yes, the main character is fairly annoying and made stupid choices, but his obsessiveness explains his odd choices a bit perhaps. And let's be honest... dumb, annoying, characters that make you end up rooting for their deaths, is kinda what a lot of these films are all about! Very good for a fan film, has it's moments and is watchable. There are a lot of fan films I don't finish watching at all.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Debunking Ghost Hunter Debunkers - Debunking Paranormal Debunkers

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 18: Halloween 2018 True Ghost Stories with CentralIllinoisGhostHunters.net Founder Shane Cleer
Scientific Proof of Life After Death:
The slideshow of purported ghost photos, is just that, purported. However, some are legit. All are fun!
Truth Teller's Radio Episode 11 - Halloween Special 2017 - Investigating the Paranormal - Scientific Proof of Life After Death:
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Materialism/Macrorealism DEBUNKED with Science
Materialism/Macrorealism DEBUNKED with Science
More Info:
SJWs have No Place in the Occult (Re: "Witches" Cursing Kavanaugh in NYC)
SJWs have No Place in the Occult (Re: "Witches" Cursing Kavanaugh in NYC)
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
The NPC Question - They Live Was A Documentary About NPC's - Regressive Left is ANGRY About being called NPCs - SJWs triggered over NPC meme, demand they not be compared to fake people - Why we Call Liberals NPCs, and Hillary Destroys #MeToo with One Interview
Fiery Elmo
Broke: We live in a society
Bestspoke: Everyone in this herd is a sheep except for me
The NPC Question - They Live Was A Documentary About NPC's - Regressive Left is ANGRY About being called NPCs - SJWs triggered over NPC meme, demand they not be compared to fake people - Why we Call Liberals NPCs, and Hillary Destroys #MeToo with One Interview
Stopping Removal for 'Justice' | The True NPC Way:
Friday, September 21, 2018
The Occult, Video 195: Incubus, Succubus
The Occult, Video 195: Incubus, Succubus
A Debunking Death blog Visitor, BrendanM420, shares:
I've experimented with summoning sexual spirits and can attest to their reality. I have seen many things including inanimate objects such as body pillows and bed sheets take on the appearance, from the distance of 5 feet or so, of a naked woman shaking her ass. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it was a striking visual experience. I believe one could get these entities to inhabit a sex doll, some of which are called entity dolls interestingly enough. So they could have physical aspect in these ways. I agree they are insatiable and they emit this energy. I think they could cause one to die from overexertion and dehydration or something like that from influencing someone's actions with their energy. Tulpa's may be at play here as well. It's hard to say.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Take note, SJW's: Halloween - New Trailer [HD]
Johnathan Collier
Take note, SJW's: THIS is how you do a strong female character, not by shoehorning them in and forcing them down peoples' throats or destroying an established character.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
LUCIFER'S REBELLION explained by Hans Wilhelm - LUCIFERIAN DOCTRINE explained by Hans Wilhelm
LUCIFER'S REBELLION explained by Hans Wilhelm - LUCIFERIAN DOCTRINE explained by Hans Wilhelm
Saturday, September 15, 2018
...“The paranormal conspiracy seeks to subvert and ultimately transform the rational view of the world through mysterious entities that thrive on instability, confusion and fear,” Dailey said. “A demonic virtual reality is taking place.”
The ubiquity of high-quality cell phone cameras has made belief in bigfoot increasingly untenable. As more time passes and the paucity of photographic evidence becomes more apparent, the more unlikely an 8-foot, undiscovered ape roams the forests of North America. While groups like the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization continue to endorse a biological description of bigfoot, or sasquatch, Dailey positions the absence of physical evidence as evidence of a non-physical explanation.
“Number One: you have many, many reliable observers who have seen bigfoot, these are not kids on a prank. The second thing is: a virtual absence of any evidence of their existence,” Dailey told Mefferd. “So it shows that what’s going on is not really a physical phenomena. It’s real, it’s a projection, it’s a demonic virtual reality, but it’s not ‘nuts and bolts,’ or, in this case, ‘flesh and blood.’”
For Dailey, bigfoot isn’t biological, but part of a larger complex of paranormal activity, including UFO sightings and alien abduction...
Mefferd brought up an anecdote from Dailey’s book, in which a woman encountered a bigfoot at night and tried to shoot it, but the animal vanished. “That’s one of many stories, but you know, bigfoot and UFO researchers are loath to admit that, because they’re tied into the nuts and bolts, three-dimensional existence of these creatures,” Dailey said. “They’re not open really to a spiritual explanation, because then you’d have to discuss the reality of evil.”
Mefferd brought up an anecdote from Dailey’s book, in which a woman encountered a bigfoot at night and tried to shoot it, but the animal vanished. “That’s one of many stories, but you know, bigfoot and UFO researchers are loath to admit that, because they’re tied into the nuts and bolts, three-dimensional existence of these creatures,” Dailey said. “They’re not open really to a spiritual explanation, because then you’d have to discuss the reality of evil.”
“This woman in Pennsylvania, she shot it at point-blank range in the middle of the night, when she saw this creature. It just evaporated. It disappeared and up in the sky there were UFO lights. So oftentimes, you wouldn’t think it, UFOs and bigfoots and others of these kind of phenomena are tied, and often occur simultaneously.”
While Dailey’s theory, which replaces one paranormal explanation for another, is designed in opposition to existing UFO and bigfoot research, the repetition of a particular idiom—”nuts and bolts”—suggests Dailey may find more traction with traditional UFO researchers than he might suspect.
A “senior manager” involved in the secret Pentagon UFO program, first revealed by the New York Times in December, described the government-funded investigation as delving into similarly non-physical areas of research, including “invisible entities” and “poltergeist activity.”
“The investigations by [ Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies] provided new lines of evidence showing that the UFO phenomenon was a lot more than nuts and bolts machines,” the unnamed senior manager said in a statement to KLAS-TV in Las Vegas.
Stan Gordon Discusses The Bigfoot UFO Connection
Fake Newsweek Gets Raided By NYPD - Alex Jones INFOWARS.COM
Monday, September 10, 2018
Unexplained Voices
Excerpt from the book Mysteries of the Unknown - Hauntings. Click on image to enlarge.
William G. Roll
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William G. Roll | |
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Born | July 3, 1926 Bremen, Germany |
Died | January 9, 2012 (aged 85) Normal, Illinois |
Nationality | American |
Occupation | Parapsychologist, writer |
Relatives | William Roll (father) |
Academic background | |
Alma mater |
Academic work | |
Discipline | Psychologist, parapsychologist |
Institutions | University of West Georgia |
William G. Roll (July 3, 1926 – January 9, 2012) was a noted psychologist and parapsychologist on the faculty of the Psychology Department of the University of West Georgia in Carrollton, Georgia, in the United States.
Early years[edit]
Roll was born in 1926 in Bremen, Germany where his father was American Vice-consul. At the age of 3, after his parents divorced, he moved to Denmark with his mother Gudrun Agerholm Roll. According to Roll whilst he was in his childhood in Denmark he began having out-of-body experiences at night.[1] His mother died in 1942 and in 1946 he went to America with his father, who had come to Denmark with the American Allied forces. During the last year of the war, Roll participated in the Danish resistance movement against the Germans.
Roll enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley in 1947 where he received his BA majoring in philosophy and psychology. A year after graduating he went on to Oxford University where he did parapsychology research for eight years. During this period, he was president of the Oxford University Society for Psychical Research. At Oxford, he wrote his thesis which earned him his M. Litt. degree, "Theory and Experiment in Psychical Research". His thesis was later published in the United States by Arno Press.
Sometimes credited as William Roll, or informally, Bill Roll, he was a parapsychologist since the 1950s and authored or coauthored many investigation research papers, articles, and four books: The Poltergeist (1972), Theory and Experiment in Psychical Research (1975), Psychic Connections (1995, with co-author Lois Duncan), and Unleashed: Of Poltergeists and Murder: The Curious Story of Tina Resch (2004, with co-author Valerie Storey). He is also notable for making several appearances in the television show Unsolved Mysteries, among them an episode discussing disturbances on the RMS Queen Mary. (In this episode he was mistakenly credited as being Danish-born.)
Roll was invited by J. B. Rhine to join the Parapsychology Laboratory of Duke University, where he worked from 1957-1964. In 1964 he became president of the Parapsychological Association. In 1958, he coined the term "recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis" (RSPK)[2] in a research paper written with J. G. Pratt that dealt with their investigation of objects moving in a home in Seaford, Long Island, New York USA, that was centered on a 12-year-old son of an affected family.[3] It was Roll's first case.[4]
In 1961, Roll became project director of the Psychical Research Foundation (PRF), an offshoot of J. B. Rhine's Laboratory. After Rhine's retirement from Duke, the PRF left the Duke campus, but in 1969 it returned to Duke as a sponsored program of the School of Electrical Engineering.[5][6] The connection between Duke and the Foundation ended in the late 1970s.[7]
Roll received a Ph.D. in psychology from Lund University in 1989 for a thesis entitled, "This World or That: An Examination of Parapsychological Findings Suggestive of the Survival of Human Personality After Death".
In the 80s and 90s, Roll held various positions at University of West Georgia, including Professor of Psychology and Psychical Research, assistant professor, and instructor. In later years, Roll retired from teaching, though he taught a course in parapsychology at the University of West Georgia in 2007, and continued to write, speak at conferences, and conduct occasional investigations. He was awarded the Parapsychological Award for a Distinguished Career in Parapsychology in 1996 and the Dinsdale Memorial Award from the Society of Scientific Exploration in 2002.
Roll's most famous case was as the lead investigator on the 1984 "Columbus Poltergeist" case, in which remarkable color photos were taken by a veteran newspaper photographer for the Columbus Dispatch newspaper, Fred Shannon, which allegedly showed spontaneous telekinesis events in action occurring in the home of Columbus, Ohio teenager Tina Resch.
Roll's research and published writing concerning psychic phenomena focused on theorizing about and testing for scientific explanations, but some of his theories postulated concepts that extend beyond mainstream science.[7][8]
Roll's last research, as presented to the American Psychological Association, claimed that the root cause of psychic phenomena is a combination of modern physics (i.e., quantum mechanics) and neuroscience. According to Roll all objects and individuals have "psi fields" around them which are the carriers of psi information.[9]
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