Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Ghost Adventures S12E09 The Domes
Ghost Adventures S12E09 The Domes by debunkerbuster
If you think this show is a hoax, take a listen to the interview at this link and think again...
Monday, March 28, 2016
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Saturday, March 19, 2016
I'm certainly not saying I agree with all the claims made in the below video series, but this game has always creeped me out and these clips demonstrate very well how so many of the cards seem predictive in nature. I can't help but go to the very edges of crazy town and wonder if time travel technology or a simulated reality is a part of this puzzle??? Whatever the case may be, my advice is this, don't let these cards scare you too much or sow seeds of distrust with individuals you otherwise have no reason to question.
If there is something strange beyond extreme coincidence going on here, you can rest assured it's an attempt to shape your reality, not just gloat about the control they have over it. Some say that the global elite believe that they must warn you of their plans in an twisted attempt to relieve them of bad karma. If so, would that not mean that their plans were not set in stone? Why threaten that Donald Trump can be assassinated? Perhaps because they are trying to manifest that possibility or scare him into submission? Again, both are indications of a lack of total control.
I'm certainly not saying I agree with all the claims made in the below video series, but this game has always creeped me out and these clips demonstrate very well how so many of the cards seem predictive in nature. I can't help but go to the very edges of crazy town and wonder if time travel technology or a simulated reality is a part of this puzzle??? Whatever the case may be, my advice is this, don't let these cards scare you too much or sow seeds of distrust with individuals you otherwise have no reason to question.
If there is something strange beyond extreme coincidence going on here, you can rest assured it's an attempt to shape your reality, not just gloat about the control they have over it. Some say that the global elite believe that they must warn you of their plans in an twisted attempt to relieve them of bad karma. If so, would that not mean that their plans were not set in stone? Why threaten that Donald Trump can be assassinated? Perhaps because they are trying to manifest that possibility or scare him into submission? Again, both are indications of a lack of total control.
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Created in 1995 - Click to Enlarge |

Nemesis Star Theory - The Suns Evil Red Dwarf Twin (Full Documentary)
Nemesis Star Theory - The Suns Evil Red Dwarf... by debunkerbuster
Nemesis Star Theory - The Suns Evil Red Dwarf... by debunkerbuster
Planet X Arrives March/April 2016?:
Planet X, UFO's, Fort Knox & missing gold ALL related & explained by legendary researcher!:
Friday, March 18, 2016
The weird ghost lady of St Augustine Lighthouse
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Ghost Hunters (S3 E5) - Best of the Stanley Hotel (Special)
Ghost Hunters (S3 E5) - Best of the Stanley... by debunkerbuster
The Real Overlook Hotel from 'The Shining' - The Haunted Stanley Hotel:
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Very Convincing Intelligent Haunting Stories Sent from a Visitor
There is no absolutely no logical reason to doubt the truthfulness (no financial or egotistical motivation) or the clear implications of the main account here. If only the so-called skeptically minded among us would simply stop the mental gymnastics they employ to defend a materialist worldview and admit that the account sounds totally legit. If they did this, then the only intellectual honest thing to follow up with would be to concede that Occam's razor dictates, based on the undeniable intelligent haunting nature of the case, that a spirit world of some kind is the simplest explanation! Are there problems with eyewitness testimony? Yes. If two people had seen the below described apparition then one might disagree on the dress color, but it's highly-unlikely one would have seen a car and the other a woman. And do people hallucinate? Yes. But hallucinations aren't able to predict future events.
A female wishing to remain anonymous writes:
I had a Victorian woman apparition send me the message "Fire, get out." When I first moved into a new apartment, she did it in the very beginning of my moving in, but I kind of brushed it off thinking I must of been tired with the move, shadowing from the window as it was an old Federalist Style building and I was renting the top floor. Like this photo, only this is not the building, but the small windows up top.

Anyways I got all settle in, loved the place, near everything as I didn't have a car at the time, so it really worked out, and might of been why I brushed off the warning, because the place was perfect for me at that stage of my life, I was 24. I lived there a little over a year when she appeared again, in the same place and once more telepathic to me said, "Fire, get out." A month later, my cat woke me up by jumping on my chest, and I saw an orange glow outside the bedroom window and turned my light on next to the bed to see black smoke pouring into my bedroom. Wasn't time for me to enter the Spirit World as I made it out, via some other very unusual events to do so. I am the ONLY one to survive as others lived in the lower parts of the building. Believe me, if I walk into a building today and it tells me to leave......I leave. I'll not make the same mistake twice.
Editor Question: So, you saw the apparition once or twice? Or did you just get the mental message the second time? Did she scare you or have you had things like that happen before?
I saw her twice, no she didn't frighten me, and both times when I saw her, I got that message, telepathic
She was dressed in that black style of clothing.

Only she had the raised collar style of a dress like this.

I didn't see her face, she was like wispy or sort of smokey looking. But formed enough to see that she was a woman in this style of clothes. She was standing sideways to me, so another reason not to have seen her in the face with the raised collar. Both times the same, in the same spot......she just appeared, said what she said, then as steam dissipates she just lost more and more form until gone. Was all rather fast, she didn't linger.
This was the only time I have seen a figure and received a message together.
When I was escaping down an inside stairwell, that ran along side the building, but was still inside, the smoke was pouring up those stairs, I couldn't see anything, I was holding my breath. I had to feel with my foot down the stairs so I'd not fall, when I reached the landing on the 2nd floor it was really intense, the heat, and then flames broke through between the door to go outside and the landing I was on. The fire was roaring, sounds snapping crackling, I heard the screams of those who were dying, I heard a window break and thought they jumped (they hadn't) in any case I thought I was gone too. Should I go back up and get more air jump out a window too, and then I heard a voice inside my head that said, go forward. My thoughts said, but this takes me right into the fire. I heard the voice say again, "ye of little faith".....and believe me I wasn't and am not a religious I'm spiritual but back then, not into the Christian stuff. Right after that ye of little faith, I thought okay, just make it quick if it's my time to die and as soon as I thought that I felt myself go in a trance like sort of place, I got really peaceful, I felt at peace. Strange, I was in the middle of this inferno and suddenly I was in complete peace my breathing slowed, it all happened fast, all this is happening fast. I then started to go down the stairwell, and next thing I know the door at the bottom flew open and a huge gust of wind blew in and pushed the flames away and I ran outside. No one opened the door, there was no one who was near the door and the fire dept listed me as a miracle.
It wasn't my time, the Spirit(s) or Helpers on the other side saved me and I've no doubt about it. Not sure who the woman was, I've no impression as to who or why I was saved, can't say it was any ancestor that had saved me or anyone special, just know that I was warned twice, and because I hadn't listened I was still saved. Since then, despite the 20 years of PTSD, I've lived my life in as positive way as possible, thinking as I was given a chance at life while others in that building even younger than me had not (I was 24) that I best use this time as positive as I could. I've never taken my life for granted, lets put it that way.
I saw once a building go up in flames, not the one I was in, and the next day upon going to work that same building was burned, it had fire in it that night......I saw it engulfed the afternoon before. Was just a flash of an image as I was driving by it. I turned my head back to the building and there was no fire.
I've felt "beings" but never saw them. Just that feeling like you know someone is watching you.
I lived in a house that the spirit made noises, I could hear the dishes rattle in the kitchen, and once I saw wet footsteps approach my bed. That for some reason bothered me over anything, and I shouted go away. Nothing more took place and the wet footsteps disappeared.
The door to the place I'd find opened when I came home, so my roommate and I had a heart to heart talk as I didn't want our belongings stolen. Was when my roommate also thought I was leaving the door unlocked or open, that I hadn't shut the door tightly. I mentioned the noise at night in the kitchen as it would wake me up and if they could be more quiet if they were going to do things so late at night. They said they were not doing things in the kitchen late at night, that they thought it was me.
There was an old woman across the road putting out her garbage one day and so I went over and spoke to her for a few minutes and ask her how long she lived there. A long long time she said, and I asked her if the house I was living in had any thing going on with it. She wasn't sure what I was asking, so I said, did anyone die over there inside the house that you know of. She said a man had hung himself in the back bedroom so it would explain I guess why at night my roommate felt a tugging on their necklace and one night it got ripped off their neck and thrown across the floor as they took that back bedroom to sleep in. I had first choice as I moved in first but when I walked into that room I got a strange feeling so I took the other room.
We both addressed the spirit, as we were convinced that is what was there and told them that material things most likely didn't matter to them but it did to us and please stop opening the door when we were not home. We also asked if the noise in the kitchen would stop as it was waking us up and we had to sleep to go to work in the morning, that if they were going to make so much noise with dishes maybe they could wash the dirty dishes while they were at it. lol
Thankfully, that seemed to work as the door was never opened again, and the noise stopped in the kitchen. So it seems our acknowledgement was enough, we use to greet the spirit when we came home, we named him George as we never found out the correct name of the one who hung themselves. George just came to us and perhaps it was George and is why that name came to us. In any case we'd go into the house and say hi George we are home. Goodnight George now remember be quiet in the kitchen.
I'm not so much believing in the "heaven" with the gates harps and all of that, that is someone else's vision, and maybe for them, if that is what they expect or desire perhaps that scene is there once they cross over. I know there is something after this life, sometimes the two worlds connect, as that woman came into my world to give me the message. There is much that can't be explained, but we will all shed our earthly bodies and we'll find out then. But I believe from my own experiences that there is a "beyond" for us, that we go on.
Related: Interview with Alex Tsakiris from
A 'Debunking Death Blog' Visitor's Amazing Astral Projection Story
A female wishing to remain anonymous writes:

Anyways I got all settle in, loved the place, near everything as I didn't have a car at the time, so it really worked out, and might of been why I brushed off the warning, because the place was perfect for me at that stage of my life, I was 24. I lived there a little over a year when she appeared again, in the same place and once more telepathic to me said, "Fire, get out." A month later, my cat woke me up by jumping on my chest, and I saw an orange glow outside the bedroom window and turned my light on next to the bed to see black smoke pouring into my bedroom. Wasn't time for me to enter the Spirit World as I made it out, via some other very unusual events to do so. I am the ONLY one to survive as others lived in the lower parts of the building. Believe me, if I walk into a building today and it tells me to leave......I leave. I'll not make the same mistake twice.
Editor Question: So, you saw the apparition once or twice? Or did you just get the mental message the second time? Did she scare you or have you had things like that happen before?

Only she had the raised collar style of a dress like this.

I didn't see her face, she was like wispy or sort of smokey looking. But formed enough to see that she was a woman in this style of clothes. She was standing sideways to me, so another reason not to have seen her in the face with the raised collar. Both times the same, in the same spot......she just appeared, said what she said, then as steam dissipates she just lost more and more form until gone. Was all rather fast, she didn't linger.
This was the only time I have seen a figure and received a message together.
When I was escaping down an inside stairwell, that ran along side the building, but was still inside, the smoke was pouring up those stairs, I couldn't see anything, I was holding my breath. I had to feel with my foot down the stairs so I'd not fall, when I reached the landing on the 2nd floor it was really intense, the heat, and then flames broke through between the door to go outside and the landing I was on. The fire was roaring, sounds snapping crackling, I heard the screams of those who were dying, I heard a window break and thought they jumped (they hadn't) in any case I thought I was gone too. Should I go back up and get more air jump out a window too, and then I heard a voice inside my head that said, go forward. My thoughts said, but this takes me right into the fire. I heard the voice say again, "ye of little faith".....and believe me I wasn't and am not a religious I'm spiritual but back then, not into the Christian stuff. Right after that ye of little faith, I thought okay, just make it quick if it's my time to die and as soon as I thought that I felt myself go in a trance like sort of place, I got really peaceful, I felt at peace. Strange, I was in the middle of this inferno and suddenly I was in complete peace my breathing slowed, it all happened fast, all this is happening fast. I then started to go down the stairwell, and next thing I know the door at the bottom flew open and a huge gust of wind blew in and pushed the flames away and I ran outside. No one opened the door, there was no one who was near the door and the fire dept listed me as a miracle.
It wasn't my time, the Spirit(s) or Helpers on the other side saved me and I've no doubt about it. Not sure who the woman was, I've no impression as to who or why I was saved, can't say it was any ancestor that had saved me or anyone special, just know that I was warned twice, and because I hadn't listened I was still saved. Since then, despite the 20 years of PTSD, I've lived my life in as positive way as possible, thinking as I was given a chance at life while others in that building even younger than me had not (I was 24) that I best use this time as positive as I could. I've never taken my life for granted, lets put it that way.
I saw once a building go up in flames, not the one I was in, and the next day upon going to work that same building was burned, it had fire in it that night......I saw it engulfed the afternoon before. Was just a flash of an image as I was driving by it. I turned my head back to the building and there was no fire.
I've felt "beings" but never saw them. Just that feeling like you know someone is watching you.
I lived in a house that the spirit made noises, I could hear the dishes rattle in the kitchen, and once I saw wet footsteps approach my bed. That for some reason bothered me over anything, and I shouted go away. Nothing more took place and the wet footsteps disappeared.
The door to the place I'd find opened when I came home, so my roommate and I had a heart to heart talk as I didn't want our belongings stolen. Was when my roommate also thought I was leaving the door unlocked or open, that I hadn't shut the door tightly. I mentioned the noise at night in the kitchen as it would wake me up and if they could be more quiet if they were going to do things so late at night. They said they were not doing things in the kitchen late at night, that they thought it was me.
There was an old woman across the road putting out her garbage one day and so I went over and spoke to her for a few minutes and ask her how long she lived there. A long long time she said, and I asked her if the house I was living in had any thing going on with it. She wasn't sure what I was asking, so I said, did anyone die over there inside the house that you know of. She said a man had hung himself in the back bedroom so it would explain I guess why at night my roommate felt a tugging on their necklace and one night it got ripped off their neck and thrown across the floor as they took that back bedroom to sleep in. I had first choice as I moved in first but when I walked into that room I got a strange feeling so I took the other room.
We both addressed the spirit, as we were convinced that is what was there and told them that material things most likely didn't matter to them but it did to us and please stop opening the door when we were not home. We also asked if the noise in the kitchen would stop as it was waking us up and we had to sleep to go to work in the morning, that if they were going to make so much noise with dishes maybe they could wash the dirty dishes while they were at it. lol
Thankfully, that seemed to work as the door was never opened again, and the noise stopped in the kitchen. So it seems our acknowledgement was enough, we use to greet the spirit when we came home, we named him George as we never found out the correct name of the one who hung themselves. George just came to us and perhaps it was George and is why that name came to us. In any case we'd go into the house and say hi George we are home. Goodnight George now remember be quiet in the kitchen.
I'm not so much believing in the "heaven" with the gates harps and all of that, that is someone else's vision, and maybe for them, if that is what they expect or desire perhaps that scene is there once they cross over. I know there is something after this life, sometimes the two worlds connect, as that woman came into my world to give me the message. There is much that can't be explained, but we will all shed our earthly bodies and we'll find out then. But I believe from my own experiences that there is a "beyond" for us, that we go on.
Related: Interview with Alex Tsakiris from
A 'Debunking Death Blog' Visitor's Amazing Astral Projection Story
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016
GHOSTBUSTERS - Official Trailer (HD)
OK, I was taking a moderate stance on this whole deal, but the things brought to light for me featured in the below video are just too much. I was aware of people attacking James Rolfe for his refusal to review the film. I'm a big fan of his and to me he is clearly a very nice guy and not a misogynist or a loser as alleged. What I wasn't aware of was the extreme level of vitriol that Rolfe had received and how a female contemporary of his with similar opinions was being ignored. I was aware of director Paul Feig calling out geek culture as being full of assholes. He was butt-hurt, I can forgive, but I wasn't aware of the officially sanctioned censorship from Sony of well-written criticisms, while leaving misogynistic comments intact. Nor was I aware of how the stars of the film were continuing to advance the false narrative that misogynistic losers were at the heart of the heavy criticism. I also wasn't aware of the extreme politicization going on for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump. I'll still watch the film one day somehow, but I won't be paying for it in any way shape or form.
GHOSTBUSTERS - Official Trailer (HD) by debunkerbuster
Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return, rebooted with a cast of hilarious new characters. Thirty years after the beloved original franchise took the world by storm, director Paul Feig brings his fresh take to the supernatural comedy, joined by some of the funniest actors working today – Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. This summer, they’re here to save the world!
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Melissa McCarthy
Kristen Wiig
Kate McKinnon
Leslie Jones
Charles Dance
Michael Kenneth Williams
and Chris Hemsworth
Directed by:
Paul Feig
Written by:
Paul Feig & Katie Dippold
Based on the film “Ghostbusters”
Written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis
and Directed by Ivan Reitman
Produced by:
Ivan Reitman
Amy Pascal
Executive Producers:
Michele Imperato Stabile
Paul Feig
Jessie Henderson
Dan Aykroyd
Tom Pollock
Joe Medjuck
Ali Bell
Ben Waisbren
GHOSTBUSTERS - Official Trailer (HD) by debunkerbuster
Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return, rebooted with a cast of hilarious new characters. Thirty years after the beloved original franchise took the world by storm, director Paul Feig brings his fresh take to the supernatural comedy, joined by some of the funniest actors working today – Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. This summer, they’re here to save the world!
Subscribe for more Ghostbusters exclusives:
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Melissa McCarthy
Kristen Wiig
Kate McKinnon
Leslie Jones
Charles Dance
Michael Kenneth Williams
and Chris Hemsworth
Directed by:
Paul Feig
Written by:
Paul Feig & Katie Dippold
Based on the film “Ghostbusters”
Written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis
and Directed by Ivan Reitman
Produced by:
Ivan Reitman
Amy Pascal
Executive Producers:
Michele Imperato Stabile
Paul Feig
Jessie Henderson
Dan Aykroyd
Tom Pollock
Joe Medjuck
Ali Bell
Ben Waisbren
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Dr. Bruce Greyson: Science and the Survival of Consciousness after Death
Summary: The belief that some part of human beings may survive bodily death (not as a religious question) can be operationalised in terms of empirically testable hypotheses.
Bruce Greyson, M.D., is the Chester F. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences and Director of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia. He was a founder and Past President of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, and for the past 26 years has edited the Journal of Near-Death Studies.
Bruce Greyson, M.D., is the Chester F. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences and Director of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia. He was a founder and Past President of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, and for the past 26 years has edited the Journal of Near-Death Studies.
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- Life after Death - Scientist Michael Roll Interview with Lou Bondi
- Dr. Dean Radin - Science and the Taboo of PSI
- Alex Tsakiris on Why Science is Wrong... about almost Everything
- The Repeatable Laboratory Result/Peer-review Model vs. Paranormal Phenomena
- A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences
- Free E-book: A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife - Irrefutable Objective Evidence
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