Monday, March 30, 2015

Dr. Dean Radin - Science and the Taboo of PSI


Reality and the Extended Mind

                Way back in one of my first columns for FATE (August, 1991), I wrote of the apparent connection of geomagnetic fields (the fields generated by the Earth itself) and psi abilities.  Researchers had found correlations between highs and lows in the field and the incidence and apparent “strength” of psi experiences.  It has been postulated that observing the fluctuations of the geomagnetic field might allow researchers in the laboratory to decide when to try experiments for best results in PK or ESP.
                Of course, the geomagnetic fields generated by our planet do shift irregularly, and can be affected on a planet-wide scale by solar flares, cosmic radiation, and similar extra-terrestrial (natural) events, and on a local level by movements of the earth and weather.  This makes predicting best times for best results a bit tricky.
                Now a researcher in California has found another environmental correlation, but this one having to do with a specific time of day, though not one measured by our usual clocks.

                TIME AND THE STARS
                Dr. James Spottiswoode, a physicist with the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory in Palo Alto, California, set out to look for any correlations between laboratory results and either local time or sidereal time.  In his paper in the JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION (v. 11, no. 2, pp. 109-122, Summer, 1997) entitled “Apparent Association Between Effect Size in Free Response Anomalous Cognition Experiments and Local Sidereal Time,” Spottiswood found a time period in which ESP is three to four times likely to work than at other times of day.
                First, a few definitions for those not up on their jargon.
                Anomalous cognition is a fairly new phrase that has been applied to ESP.  It essentially means an inexplicable knowing, a transfer of information whose explanation is outside our current knowledge of perception and cognition.