Monday, December 28, 2015

Star Wars is NOT Illuminati

If I see one more person showing these images and claiming Star Wars is Illuminati I'm going to scream. If these images represent anything other than stylistic artwork, then they represent the singularity of awakening either in darkness or in light. The one eye symbolism can also represent the "the one eye of good, evil forever eradicated from this planet."

Star Wars hasn't demonstrated in any way an intent to destroy God, but rather to beg the question, to expose tyranny, and most of all to entertain.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Coast To Coast AM - December 24, 2015 Other Side Communications & Angels

In the first half of our Christmas Eve program, author Whitley Strieber shared details of how his late wife Anne has been communicating with him from the Other Side since she passed away earlier this year, as well as the connections between the Visitor experience and the afterlife. He received reports that people's dead friends and relatives were showing up in the context of close encounters. Strieber himself had such an experience in 1985: "One of the beings that was surrounding me was a man I recognized from college and he was telling me all kinds of things about then secret, stealth aircraft." After the incident he looked up his friend, only to find that he had died nine months earlier.

The Visitors have always been with us in one form or another, and "I think they are the arbiters of the soul," he continued. The night Whitley's wife Anne died, he received a call from a psychic friend who didn't know she'd passed, and told him "Anne wanted me to call you." Subsequently, he started receiving more direct communications from her. One thing she conveyed is that souls that have passed are not privy to all information, yet she showed him an image of the universe-- a massive and vibrant web of lights like stars that represented all the planets that had life. After we die, what is left of us for the living is the love that we have made in this world, she also told him.


In the second half, paranormal expert Rosemary Ellen Guiley addressed the existence of angels, where they come from, if they differ from ETs, and why it's important we recognize and welcome them in our lives. There have been many cases in which contactees have interpreted the ET beings they were interacting with as angels. "A lot of it is basically our perception...ETs come in many different forms and sometimes they seem to be beings of light, and come with the purpose of helping and assisting, which is one of the primary roles of angels, so there's a tremendous overlap in a lot of our contact experiences," she commented.

In a biblical sense, angels are the keepers of a cosmic order, and charged with meting out God's will, and sometimes that can mean to punish human beings, she noted. Over the course of history, our view of angels has changed quite a bit, and now most people perceive them as being all good and benevolent. Known for serving as guardians and guides, they do have other celestial functions that go beyond the daily affairs of humans, she added. Guiley also described cases of angelic intervention in which the beings appear to people in times of greatest need or crisis, sometimes under the guise of an ordinary human. "I think it's so important for us to recognize angels, and to establish a communication, an alignment with their force, and their presence, and their energy," she remarked.


Alien Abduction & Visits from the Dead

The Dead Files Revisited S01E28 The Creeper and Mad House

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Inter-Dimensional Entities Behind the Dark Agenda That’s Taking Over the World

By Angela Pritchard

Many feel that there is a multidimensional cause behind the sinister agendas afflicting the world (such as the New World Order). But it is possible not just to sense, but to actually know and uncover its root through firsthand experience. And, unless the root is uncovered, its octopus like tentacles will continue to regrow and find new ways to influence the world, even when several have been cut off.

It is difficult to overcome that which we are ignorant of, and by using information both from research and multidimensional experience we can discover the connections between events in the physical world with their multidimensional source to reveal the octopus right to its head.

While research alone gets someone so far, ultimately this is an esoteric matter as those at the “center of the spider’s web” are multidimensional entities who have awakened in darkness and have been working on this agenda since ancient times. They influence world events through a specific dark occult society whose members have also awakened in darkness and thus are able to communicate with them and access the intelligence of evil. These entities work beyond the realm of ordinary perception, and thus are discovered only by those who can meet and uncover them in these dimensions beyond the body.

What good people are trying to go up against then, is not simply the visible outer reaches of the octopus such as a corrupt banking or political system etc., but the very hierarchy of darkness itself.
Awakening in information is good, but what is needed is an awakening in consciousness, so that we can perceive reality beyond the visible five sense limited experience of life. By doing this we can begin to access the intelligence of light and thus provide an effective response to darkness.

Many people have encountered these sinister entities since ancient times, and today they are appearing in the ever increasing numbers of near-death experiences, and likewise in other forms of out-of-body experiences including nightmares – revealing who and what these entities are and how they work.

Ancient Accounts of Sinister Extra-Dimensional Entities

Ancient people have been writing about demonic entities since recorded history. They have been given many different names such as the asuras (of the Hindus), tzitzimimeh (of the Aztecs), the shayātīn (of Islam), the guardians of the netherworld (in ancient Egypt), shedim (in Judaism), alu (to the Babylonians and Assyrians) and of course demons (in Christianity), etc.

Esoteric practitioners throughout history have been able to interact with non-physical beings through dreams and out-of-body experiences.
Esoteric practitioners throughout history have been able to interact with non-physical beings through dreams and out-of-body experiences.

Many of these ancient people had esoteric practitioners who were able to discover information about these entities and realms beyond the body by using techniques to leave and travel out of the body (called out-of-body experiences), just as can be done today. What they discovered became the basis of many of their sacred texts. They understood the importance of awakening into other dimensions, as it is part of consciousness waking up and seeing beyond the limits of ordinary perception, and used it to uncover information about these entities that influence us beyond our knowledge and sight.

They described these entities as tormenting people, spreading evil and havoc in the world, and inhabiting dark regions in lower dimensions which have been called hell, xibalba, narakka, the netherworld, underworld, sheol, the abyss, etc. in ancient texts.

Myself, my husband, and many people today and throughout history have discovered the existence of these beings firsthand by having out-of-body experiences, either through astral projection or involuntarily in near-death experiences, as these entities exist in dimensions beyond the body and appear in the process of death for those who go into hell/the netherworld.

Demonic Figures in Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)

Whilst religious texts have been looked at by some as mere tales, the ever increasing number of near-death experiences (NDEs) are now confirming the reality behind many ancient symbols and writings. A Gallup poll has reported that around 8 million Americans claim to have had a near-death experience.

Whilst accounts of near-death experiences in which people “go into the light” and experience heavenly and angelic beings and places are well known, perhaps lesser known and admitted to are the NDEs in which people have encountered sinister entities and experienced hellish regions, and there are many of these too. Although there are some cultural differences in interpretation, the accounts are similar irrespective of belief, whether they were an atheist, Christian priest, Muslim, Buddhist or otherwise.

In Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs)

An old painting entitled ‘The Nightmare’ which shows a demonic entity waiting for a sleeping woman to come out of her body, which would likely give her a nightmare.

These entities are also extremely prevalent in out-of-body experiences (OBEs). A near-death experience is essentially an out-of-body experience, so it is possible to travel to these same places out of the body using exercises of astral projection (which obviously does not involve death or being near it). Almost everyone who starts exploring other dimensions through having out-of-body experiences is soon confronted with negative beings that try and thwart their attempts to wake up and see beyond the physical body. This is because people who are able to astral project in a serious and objective way are considered a real threat, as it is possible to use OBEs to truly uncover who and what these entities are beyond the limitations of physical perception.

Myself, my husband, and many others I have spoken to, have encountered demonic entities whilst out of the body on countless occasions; and my husband has been able to explore them down to their root in the underworld, in the lower/infra-dimensions out of the body. In the astral plane, these creatures move around and are able to influence not only events in the physical world, but even people’s own psychological state of being.

circle of protection
An old illustration of a person casting a circle of protection to keep out evil entities.

I remember one occasion where I was with a group of people doing an exercise to astral project. We had cast a circle of light around us; when I came out of my body I saw a demonic figure looking in through the window of the room, unable to get into the circle, but chanting an evil invocation to try and thwart our attempts to leave our bodies. This figure was only visible from the astral, not the physical world, yet was nevertheless influencing all of us in the room by trying to muddy our consciousness with negative thoughts and energies.

It was able to ruin the practice for the group involved, but influences like this in daily life can cause strife by stirring up emotions, influencing decisions, and leading events and individuals into darkness, evil, and failure.

Many people have also unknowingly had experiences with these entities and the hellish regions where they reside through nightmares or night terrors, as in them a person goes out of their body in sleep into these lower dimensions. Many of the monstrous negative entities they may find themselves running from can be real demonic entities.

People who are trying to awaken in light can be shown information in dreams and out-of-body experiences about demons, how they influence society, and who they work with beyond what someone in the physical world could be able to see. But information from the astral is not just limited to demons – it can be about potentially anything. Astral projection and other spiritual practices, then, become a powerful and effective means to learn how to overcome evil when combined with a spiritual work.

Going to the Dark Side

To the left is the Sith lord Sidious who turns the Jedi on the right to the "dark side". Notice the statues in the background both have their left arms over their right. This is used by demons (instead it is right over left for those of the light). It signifies the "left-handed path".

To the left is the Sith lord Sidious who turns the Jedi Anakin on the right to the “dark side”.
Notice the statues in the background both have their left arms over their right.
This is used by demons (instead it is right over left for those of the light). It signifies the
“left-handed path”.

So what are these entities? Are they human, animal, extraterrestrial or something else entirely? In my experience out of the body, these entities are either human or once were. And while this may sound far out, this concept is actually explored in a number of our own modern myths.

“Going to the dark side” was popularized by the Star Wars films created by George Lucas, and this same concept appears in The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. Both Lucas and Tolkien studied ancient myths and religions, and their depiction of the supernatural conflict between those who have awakened in light and those who have awakened in darkness, in many ways is quite accurate.

The ancient text of the mystical Essene community called the War Scrolls in which they wrote about the war between “the sons of darkness” and “the sons of light”.

It is the same concept that appeared over 2,000 years ago in the famous ancient texts of the Essene community (which Jesus was said to have spent time with) called the Dead Sea Scrolls. They wrote about a great war between the archangel Michael, his angelic hosts, and the sons of light, against the demon Belial, his hordes, and the sons of darkness. Today, this same concept has been popularized through movies to form the basis of some of the myths of our own modern society.

In Star Wars the evil Sith use the dark side of “the force” (which is basically universal energy) for power and malice, whilst the Jedi use the force in line with love and cosmic principles; likewise in The Lord of the Rings trilogy there are wizards of white magic like Gandalf who use their spiritual powers for good, whilst the wizard Saruman turns to the “dark side” and uses his powers for evil.

An illustration of the Hindu story of the Churning of the Milky Ocean in which the asuras (demons) and the devas (angels) are pitted against one another in a struggle of cosmic proportions.
An illustration of the Hindu story of the Churning of the Milky Ocean in which the asuras (demons) and the devas (angels) who work together to create two opposing forces in a struggle of cosmic proportions.

These individuals who have awakened esoteric abilities, both of light and of darkness, are pitted against one another in an eternal struggle, with each side wishing to either uphold the principles of a free society or to completely enslave it. This was portrayed in the sacred teachings of the Hindus in the story of the Churning of the Milky Ocean in which the asuras (demons) and devas (angels) struggle as two opposing forces in a tug of war of cosmic proportions.

Individuals can both “go to the dark side” as Anakin did, and also repent and return to the light like Darth Vader. Demons can appear in the astral realm as human, or part creature, which reflects their hideous, bestial nature in which they have fortified the animalistic egos. But demons and black magicians are not silly monsters; they are people who have awakened in evil and this kind of awakening brings a knowledge of darkness, which can give them an intelligence and power beyond what any sci-fi movie could do justice to.

As these films portray, these entities are humans or were once humanoids who have “gone to the dark side” and are working according to a hierarchy of evil to control and infiltrate society.

Demonic Entities Actively Working to Influence Society Today

Child sacrifices being offered to an idol of the demon Moloch in ancient times. When cultures and societies degenerate into darkness, then demons, not sages and divine beings, become the object of veneration, which is where our present society is heading.

Many of the entities written about in ancient texts are references to ones that have specific roles and work together in a hierarchy of evil in other dimensions. Demons of antiquity have major roles and are still active today, thousands of years after they were first written about—no longer needing a physical body, having awakened in evil. They are part of a structure of evil that extends its tentacles right from the lowest region of hell into the physical world.

My husband and I have been shown out of the body how they work through dark secret societies, which channel covertly through a religion, and are communicating with a very small group of people here on earth who are going through the process of awakening in darkness. These disciples of darkness are using OBEs to get knowledge from ancient demons who themselves are beyond physical death and working with an immense evil intelligence on an agenda which is thousands of years old. A key part of it is putting down and propagating hatred towards anything that gives knowledge about them and other realms of reality, such as sacred, esoteric, and religious texts—spreading lies, disinformation, division, and bigotry. They do not want another Jesus, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, or anyone who awakens spiritually in light, nor spiritual societies that operate for good who could counter their influence, and they are on a stated mission to stamp them out in the documents of their plans which have leaked to the public, such as those of the Bavarian Illuminati.

They hijack and invert spiritual symbols and even religions, taking symbols that attract forces of light to instead use them to give power to forces of darkness; and at the same time give esoteric knowledge a bad name. That is why so many inverted symbols are now literally pouring out of Hollywood and the music industry.

It is important to note however, that all but a handful of people who are part of the agenda are simply in it for greed and money, forming the structure of puppet politicians and celebrities, shadow governments, criminal syndicates, and massive corporations that are manipulated by the very few at the top of the pyramid to control the many. They use human weakness and defects such as greed, ignorance, lust, and violence to entice, control and enslave their puppets, as well as the masses.

Just as the Sith were small in number in Star Wars, so are those working directly with these demonic entities as very few are actually up to it (Aleister Crowley tried and failed very publicly), because just as awakening in light requires discipline and adherence to certain practices, so too does awakening in darkness. The number of “Jedi” are even smaller. Instead most people are unknowing of multidimensional realities, they have no interest in really finding out what is going on, and their lives are simply determined by where the war between light and darkness is at.

The War in Consciousness Between Light and Darkness

the astral projection split
Leaving the body to enter realms beyond the physical.

So where does that leave us? Making a decision about where we stand in this eternal struggle in which our own awakening is at stake. The only way the Jedi can return is if we put this struggle into its true context and allow the real warriors of light to do their job. Society has almost totally turned on esoteric knowledge and practitioners, and a tidal wave of censorship is set to wipe anything esoteric off the internet and strangle it on the ground. So long as the Jedi remain broken up and abandoned in exile to the far reaches of society (like Yoda in the swamp infested planet of Dagobah and Obi-Wan Kenobi as an old hermit on the planet Tatooine) there will be no happy ending. The world desperately needs people who can use OBEs to get knowledge about the inner workings and plans of evil, who meet the requirements to receive spiritual wisdom from higher beings, and have awakened spiritual/psychic faculties.

Ultimately, the agenda of evil is about stopping people from awakening spiritually; not just in information, but in consciousness, as at the end of the day, that is really what life is all about. And ultimately, that is where the war is.


Rainbow Body: A Monk vanishing into the Universe.

A Case for Jediism Religion

Guess That EVP- Bell Witch

David Sereda Are we Imprisoned on Earth ?

In this interview David Sereda discusses what singularity is all about.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

100 Year Old Christmas List From A 7 Year Old Boy Shows How Materialistic Our Society Has Become

Where did we go wrong?

Michael Snyder | End Of The American Dream - December 22, 2015If there were no presents at all, would you still want to celebrate Christmas?

100 years ago, a little seven-year-old boy named Homer Mellen sent Santa Claus a letter asking for “a box of paints, also a nine cent reader, and a school bag to put them in.” And he added that if Santa happened to have “any nuts, or candy, or toys to spare” that he would love to have some. My, how times have changed.


Monday, December 21, 2015



Pets and the Afterlife

Editor's Note: One of the strongest paranormal experiences I ever had was feeling a kitty (that wasn't there) jump on the bed and walk over and snuggle up next to me. At first I  thought one of my cats had jumped on the bed, I was certain of it. Then I looked down, saw no cat was there, but yet felt the last few footsteps and the snuggling up. My wife had independently and unbeknownst to me experienced the same thing. These events happened shortly after losing her most beloved kitty of her life named Buzzy and stopped after getting a new kitty that looked and acted very much like him named Stripe.

Hr.1 - The Mojave Incident
Hr.2 - A Chilling Story Of Alien...
Hr.3 - Pets and the Afterlife

Since 2006, Dave Schrader has been the Executive Producer & Host of the wildly popular Paranormal Talk Radio Show; Darkness on the Edge of Town (weeknights from 9 PM to Midnight CST on Twin Cities News Talk - Minneapolis's Top-Rated AM Talk Station). Dave interviews intriguing guests revolving around the Paranormal and the Unknown. Dave is the coauthor of the book, The Other Side (2009, Houghton Mifflin), and has contributed to TAPS ParaMagazine (The Official Magazine of SyFy's Ghost Hunters Show). He is frequently a guest speaker at related conferences worldwide, and has been featured on Paranormal Programs on A&E (Paranormal State) and Travel Channel (Ghost Adventuress and Co-Host on Paranormal Challenge), plus affiliates of ABC and NBC. Dave has been an active participant in hundreds of investigations worldwide and has connections to top personalities and inventors specializing in paranormal activities and equipment. Dave is a recurring fill in Host on Coast to Coast AM.


Dreamland: Ghost Pets

Animal Wisdom: Learning from the Spiritual Lives of Animals

11 Struggles Indigos Know Too Well


13 Things Only Indigos Understand

13 Things Only Indigos Understand


11 Struggles Indigos Know Too Well

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Coast To Coast AM - December 12, 2015 Dark Holiday Legends & A 19th Century Poltergeist

In the first half of the program, author and lecturer Jeff Belanger joined host Dave Schrader to discuss the origins of various Christmas traditions, the legend of the "Christmas devil," Krampus, as well as other creatures and dark holiday legends.

During the second half, author and researcher Laurie Glenn Norris shared details from the story of eighteen-year-old Esther Cox, who in 1878 moved into a house that was plagued by unexplained occurrences—something (or someone) knocked on the walls, moved furniture around, and set fires. Norris examined whether Cox was the victim of paranormal powers or the troubled mind behind a series of elaborate hoaxes.


Krampus The Christmas Demon

Derbyshire Ghost Stories for Christmas - Paranormal Haunting Documentary

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

CryptoTV: Bigfoot, Ghost, UFOs

Videos can be maximized after hitting play.

Darkness Radio - December 11, 2015 The Ruin of Souls & Lincolns Ghost

Hr.1 - The Ruin of Souls
Hr.2 - A Shaman's Battle Against Evil
Hr.3 - Ghosts of Lincoln

Since 2006, Dave Schrader has been the Executive Producer & Host of the wildly popular Paranormal Talk Radio Show; Darkness on the Edge of Town (weeknights from 9 PM to Midnight CST on Twin Cities News Talk - Minneapolis's Top-Rated AM Talk Station). Dave interviews intriguing guests revolving around the Paranormal and the Unknown. Dave is the coauthor of the book, The Other Side (2009, Houghton Mifflin), and has contributed to TAPS ParaMagazine (The Official Magazine of SyFy's Ghost Hunters Show). He is frequently a guest speaker at related conferences worldwide, and has been featured on Paranormal Programs on A&E (Paranormal State) and Travel Channel (Ghost Adventuress and Co-Host on Paranormal Challenge), plus affiliates of ABC and NBC. Dave has been an active participant in hundreds of investigations worldwide and has connections to top personalities and inventors specializing in paranormal activities and equipment. Dave is a recurring fill in Host on Coast to Coast AM.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Hr.1 - The Real X-Files 
Hr.2 - The FBI-CIA-UFO Connection
Hr.3 - Supernatural News 

Since 2006, Dave Schrader has been the Executive Producer & Host of the wildly popular Paranormal Talk Radio Show; Darkness on the Edge of Town (weeknights from 9 PM to Midnight CST on Twin Cities News Talk - Minneapolis's Top-Rated AM Talk Station). Dave interviews intriguing guests revolving around the Paranormal and the Unknown. Dave is the coauthor of the book, The Other Side (2009, Houghton Mifflin), and has contributed to TAPS ParaMagazine (The Official Magazine of SyFy's Ghost Hunters Show). He is frequently a guest speaker at related conferences worldwide, and has been featured on Paranormal Programs on A&E (Paranormal State) and Travel Channel (Ghost Adventures and Co-Host on Paranormal Challenge), plus affiliates of ABC and NBC. Dave has been an active participant in hundreds of investigations worldwide and has connections to top personalities and inventors specializing in paranormal activities and equipment. Dave is a recurring fill in Host on Coast to Coast AM.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Paranormal Survivor S01E10 Skeptics turned believers

Paranormal Survivor S01E10 Skeptics turned... by gigabeat-g

Most Haunted S05E07 The Chough Hall Hotel

Most Haunted S05E07 The Chough Hall Hotel by ghostvid

Krampus The Christmas Demon

Krampus and Saint Nicholas visit a Viennese home in 1896.

Krampus Documentary by debunkerbuster



The holidays get a new kind of hellish with the arrival of Santa's evil twin, Krampus.

With his devil-like hoof, tail, serpentine tongue, whipping stick, and sack full of misbehaving kids, Krampus emerged as Northern Europe's bad cop to kindly Saint Nicholas more than three centuries ago. But when Saint Nick migrated to the United States in the 1800s and morphed into fat, jolly Santa Claus, Krampus stayed behind.


Krampus finally gets his close-up in America thanks in part to Monte Beauchamp. The Chicago comic book publisher launched the cult of Krampus after he came across a cache of antique postcards printed in Germany 100 years ago during the golden age of chromolithography.

Krampus Sticker Book Cover

The now-obsolete printing technique produced unusually rich colors that gave rise to a fantasy postcard craze that swept Europe in the late 1800s and made Krampus something of a holiday greeting superstar.
"The illustrations of Krampus exuded great character and imagination," says Beauchamp. "I'd never seen postcards printed that well before and I really liked the whole fantasy element."
Emboldened by reader response to Krampus card art published in his 2001 BLAB! comic book, Beauchamp compiled Krampus: The Devil of Christmas followed by a greeting card collection. Last month, he expanded the brand with playing cards and the Krampus Sticker Book (Last Gasp).


Besides Krampus, urope's dark fairy tale tradition also spawned such holiday freaks as Dutch kidnapper Zwart Piete, Czechoslovakia's child-beating evil spirt Cert and disheveled German creep Knecht Ruprecht. Beauchamp reckons Americans are finally in the mood for some Krampus-inflicted shock treatment. "Krampus brings a little bit of angst to Christmas when people imagine there's this dark, foreboding figure out there who's watching your every move. If you do something bad, you may disappear and be cast into the flames of hell."

Related:Krampus (2015) Official Trailer

The Dead Files Revisited S01E25 The Dark One and Deranged

The Dead Files Revisited S01E25 The Dark One... by ghostvid

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Darkness Radio - December 2, 2015 Presidents, UFOs & Alien Abductions

Hour 1: Louisa Oakley Green joins Darkness Radio to talk about psychic gifts, and how they come about, and her paranormal experiences and stories...

Hour 2: Bill Birnes joins Darkness Radio to talk about the first ever documented case of alien abduction in the UK...

Hour 3: Bill Birnes stays with Darkness Radio to talk about presidential and police interaction with UFOs and aliens...

Since 2006, Dave Schrader has been the Executive Producer & Host of the wildly popular Paranormal Talk Radio Show; Darkness on the Edge of Town (weeknights from 9 PM to Midnight CST on Twin Cities News Talk - Minneapolis's Top-Rated AM Talk Station). Dave interviews intriguing guests revolving around the Paranormal and the Unknown. Dave is the coauthor of the book, The Other Side (2009, Houghton Mifflin), and has contributed to TAPS ParaMagazine (The Official Magazine of SyFy's Ghost Hunters Show). He is frequently a guest speaker at related conferences worldwide, and has been featured on Paranormal Programs on A&E (Paranormal State) and Travel Channel (Ghost Adventuress and Co-Host on Paranormal Challenge), plus affiliates of ABC and NBC. Dave has been an active participant in hundreds of investigations worldwide and has connections to top personalities and inventors specializing in paranormal activities and equipment. Dave is a recurring fill in Host on Coast to Coast AM.


Bill Birnes Takes on Paranormal Debunkers

Friday, December 4, 2015

JM Talboo Interviews Alex Tsakiris of


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Coast To Coast AM - November 21, 2015 Experiencing The Other Side

Host Dave Schrader welcomed author Peter Panagore, who recounted his remarkable story of having a near death experience while on the side of a mountain and how, in those minutes, he experienced hell, forgiveness, and unconditional love, leading to an intense spiritual journey that has continued for decades. In the first hour, Steve Johnson discussed his history of futuristic visions, how he set about proving they were really happening, and what he sees coming in the future.

Related: Interview with Alex Tsakiris from

Comment on Article: First hint of 'life after death' in biggest ever scientific study

Scientific Evidence Supporting Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife

Monday, November 9, 2015

A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences

Neurons to Nirvana: Understanding Psychedelic Medicines:

A clinical psychiatrist explores the effects of DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known.

* A behind-the-scenes look at the cutting edge of psychedelic research.

* Provides a unique scientific explanation for the phenomenon of alien abduction experiences.

From 1990 to 1995 Dr. Rick Strassman conducted DEA-approved clinical research at the University of New Mexico in which he injected sixty volunteers with DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known. His detailed account of those sessions is an extraordinarily riveting inquiry into the nature of the human mind and the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. DMT, a plant-derived chemical that is also manufactured by the human brain, consistently produced out-of-body, near-death, and mystical experiences. Many volunteers reported convincing encounters with intelligent nonhuman presences: angels, aliens, spirits. Nearly all agreed that the sessions were among the most intense experiences of their lives.

Strassman's research connects dmt with the pineal gland, considered by Hindus to be the site of the sixth chakra and by Rene Descartes to be the seat of the soul. DMT: The Spirit Molecule makes the bold case that DMT, naturally released by the pineal gland, facilitates the soul's movement in and out of the body and is an integral part of the birth and death experiences, as well as the highest states of meditation and even sexual transcendence. Strassman also believes that alien abduction experiences are brought on by accidental releases of DMT. If used wisely, dmt could trigger a period of remarkable progress in the scientific exploration of the most mystical regions of the human mind and soul.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Archetypes, Religion, and Spirituality

The discovery that the archetypal world is ontologically real gives legitimacy to the spiritual worldview, religious and ritual activity, and to spiritual quest that involves direct experience. It makes it possible to distinguish organized religions based on belief, with their dogmas, ritualism, moralism, and secular ambitions, from authentic spirituality found in the monastic and mystical branches of religions, rituals of native cultures, and traditions emphasizing spiritual practice and direct experience. Spirituality is based on personal experiences of non-ordinary aspects and dimensions of reality. It does not require a special place or an officially appointed persons mediating contact with the divine. The mystics do not need churches or temples. The context in which they experience the sacred dimensions of reality, including their own divinity, are their bodies and nature. And instead of officiating priests, they need a supportive group of fellow seekers or the guidance of a teacher who is more advanced on the inner journey than they are themselves.


Joe Campbell and The Power of Myth

Stanislav Grof "The Opening of the Collective Unconscious"

Friday, November 6, 2015

Body Scan Meditation

How Meditation Can Reshape Our Brains:

Step-By-Step Body Scan Meditation

This is a simple and effective body scan meditation. The aim is to train your focus while remaining mindful and accepting toward any sensation that may arise. In cases of pain and muscle tension, science shows that accepting sensations is more effective than trying to control them.



The Connection between Mindfulness and Pain:

by M Cullen

In this 30 minute meditaion, Ms. Cullen gently guides you in a Body Scan Meditation.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Coast To Coast AM - October 30, 2015 Ghost to Ghost


Ghost to Ghost AM & Spooky Matter Halloween Ghost Stories

WTF with Duncan Trussell

Marc Maron has a soft spot for comedian Duncan Trussell thanks to a gesture of kindness at The Comedy Store. Now, in the garage, Marc gets a clearer picture as to why Duncan is such a nice guy. Duncan gives the details of the spiritual quest that helped him cope with the most difficult time in his life. This episode is sponsored by Harry's, the best way to get a clean shave, and by Sirens on USA Network.