Saturday, October 21, 2023

Lessons from First and Second Samuel


I always loved the inspiring story of the young David—the shepherd boy who slew the giant. But I typically stopped there and, with a few exceptions, I knew surprisingly little about the life of Israel’s greatest king.


After we filmed our course on “The David Story” with Justin Jackson, I realized just how much I had missed by not carefully studying the Books of Samuel.


The rivalry between David and King Saul. The friendship between David and Jonathan. The prophecy of Nathan. The crimes of David’s sons. The consequences of David’s sins and inaction. The rebellion of Absalom. And finally, David’s turn toward repentance.


At its heart, “The David Story” is about fathers and sons. It explores David’s character and the consequences of his choices on his family and the people of Israel. As a father, following the grief-stricken and repentant David was especially moving as he sought to repair his family that was broken apart by his own sins.


Painting of King David in prayer.

I invite you to join us in exploring the Books of Samuel and discovering the profound lessons of David for yourself by clicking the link below.


Best regards,


Kyle Murnen ’09

Director of Online Learning

Hillsdale College