Monday, November 1, 2021

Does the dark work with the light? Are ghosts just masquerading demons?

This first one is a question I posed on the last podcast. The concept of the yin/yang suggests a wee bit perhaps. Note the dot of light in the dark and vice versa...

But the better articulated question is, are things that are called dark really just misunderstood/demonized sometimes? I think so...

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, all gentile gods (pagan gods) are Demons, and for once they are correct. But the pagan Gods were all known to guide and assist their people in magical workings; never were they considered "evil" until Christianity took place.

A somewhat related line of research that indicates the God's of the Greek pantheon are indeed mentioned in the bible. Some condemned by the creator as demons, others still being in service...

A dogmatic Christian criticism of the podcast posited that we were only dealing with demons in our paranormal investigating. Sorry, I don't do Dogma unless it's the movie. Goat herders 2,000 years ago did not have it all figured out and I believe our relationship with God is a personal one. I do do gnostic, esoteric, Buddhist Christianity though. Please Jesus relieve me of my sins as your fellow monks help others burn off karma sometimes! I'm a big fan of the ultimate death debunker...

But of course the Bible acknowledges the existence of human ghosts/spirits, it simply warns us of trickster spirits and the Devil masquerading as an angel of light...

When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. Matthew 14:26 (NASB) The disciples are in a boat on the Sea of Galilee at night and Jesus is walking on the water. The disciples think they are seeing a ghost. The Greek word that the NASB translates as “ghost” is phantasma. It has the meaning of “an apparition, ghost, an appearance.” Now this does not prove that ghosts are real. But does prove the disciples believed in ghosts or spirits.

But this begs the question, if the Devil can dress up as the opposite cannot the reverse be true? Does a good Angel ever play a devil to wake somebody up to bigger spiritual realities?

Also, EVPs have been scientifically voice matched to deceased humans as far as proof...

BTW... The Freemasons pervert the idea of the dark and the light having a relationship in order to justify evil doings...