Wednesday, December 27, 2017

What REALLY Happened to LUKE in The Last Jedi? (SPOILERS) - Star Wars Explained - Thor Ragnarok Odin is Dead - Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spiritual Attainment, the Dissolution of the Material Body, and the Case of Khenpo A Chö

What REALLY Happened to LUKE in The Last Jedi? (SPOILERS) - Star Wars Explained - Thor Ragnarok Odin is Dead - Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spiritual Attainment, the Dissolution of the Material Body, and the Case of Khenpo A Chö


The Rainbow Body - Periodically Updated Research Page:

Paranormal Feats of Buddhist Monks Lending Credence to the Rainbow Body Phenomenon - Periodically Updated Research Page:

Was Odin a Real Person? Is Odin a Real God? Yes and Yes!:

What REALLY Happened to SNOKE in The Last Jedi (SPOILERS) - Snoke's BIG Scene Was ALL PLANNED (SPOILERS) - Star Wars The Last Jedi Theory Explained - Star Wars The Last Jedi Theory Explained - Snoke Theories After Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Now What?:

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Thor's Daddy, Odin, Is the Real Santa Claus

Thor's Daddy, Odin, Is the Real Santa Claus

Was Odin a Real Person? Is Odin a Real God? Yes and Yes!: 

Krampus The Christmas Demon: 

Thor's Daddy, Odin, Is the Real Santa Claus 

Sources: - Red Ice Yule Special - Myths & Forgotten Traditions of the Winter Solstice 
Father Christmas Is Odin - A video by DeathSephiroth


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Radio 3Fourteen - Seana Fenner - Odinism, Traditional Tribalism & The Noble Virtues

Seana Fenner, also known as Odinia, is the founder of Odinia International, a worldwide native European Odinist organization whose headquarters are based in Hawai`i. She did her graduate work in archaeology at Oxford, has created and taught archaeoastronomy courses for the physics department at the University of Hawai`i, and worked for the NASA Infrared Telescope. She has two upcoming books, one on archaeoastronomy and another on Odinist ritual. Fenner is the author and narrator of the Odinist podcast video redes (sermons) and blots (rituals) on the Odinistpodcast Channel on youtube. In this interview, we touch on Fenner's awakening to Odinism and look at the hurdles faced by those who are indoctrinated to filter religion through a Semitic lense. We compare Odin the King God to the monotheistic father god of Abrahamic religions, and Seana highlights the 9 Noble Virtues that form the base of Odinist ethics. Then, Seana delves into civil rights challenges commonly faced by Odinist kindreds as well as the thousand year history of persecution of Odinists. We consider the differences between universalist religious practices and the traditional tribalism that is adhered to by Odinists, and we look upon some of the wonderful customs associated with Beltaine or Walpugisnacht. Further, Seana emphasizes how Christian customs have distorted the original context of our ancient European traditions in the name of egalitarianism. We also explore why actively participating in our own culture is so very important for European folk in preserving diversity and embracing the spiritual manifestation of its people. We conclude with a look at the current decaying state of so many virtue-less Western ideologies that have truly created the perfect platform for celebrating meritocracy and the rebirth of Odinism. Authors website:


Was Odin a Real Person? Is Odin a Real God? Yes and Yes!

Was Odin a Real Person? Is Odin a Real God? Yes and Yes!

Odin/Wotan is the mysterious wisdom bringer and god of the Norse and Germanic people. But in this video I explain why I think he is so much more. 

Join me, Angela Pritchard, as I traverse legends, mythology, local histories, and ancient sites, from Europe, to Turkey, Egypt, to Easter Island, and right through Central and South America, tracing the footsteps of this enigmatic figure known as “the wanderer.”

Where did Odin come from? Was he a shamanic figure influenced by the Saami or was he based on the Roman god Mercury? Why did Anglo-Saxon kings claim his as a divine progenitor? Was he Indo-European or even older? I explain the historical origin of the Norse god, Allfather, and I explain the metaphysical significance of his threefold manifestation as depicted in the Gylfaginning. 

Heathen Woman: The Reality of Odin:

Do you believe that Odin is a real, living god? This is a question that I’ve encountered numerous times since I began teaching, and though the answer may differ depending on whom you ask, my answer is always the same: Yes! Read more at

Now for the following info, I will remind you dear reader to focus on the message, not the messenger. As the first video obviously demonstrates, it is not only modern satanists and white supremacists who take the view that Odin was transformed and corrupted into the Satan figure.

Satan is known to be Odin, Poseidon, Enki, Lucifer, etc. If you do your research you will notice they have the same attributes and their similarities can tell you how their connected. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, all gentile gods (pagan gods) are Demons, and for once they are correct. But the pagan Gods were all known to guide and assist their people in magical workings; never were they considered "evil" until Christianity took place.


Esoteric Christianity